共 24 个单词
饥饿游戏1相关的的单词有【tesserae】【tip the scale】【anomy】【wad up】【serrate】【unitard】【yip】【plenish】【jet black】【double over】【be consumed with】【smeary】【tromp】【in no shape】【asphyxiation】【chive】【splotchy】【on course】【satiny】【anticlimactic】【be bent on】【of late】【have a crush on】【in the nick of time】等。
tesseraen.入场券,票子;英英释义 TesseraeTesserae is a single-player computer game developed by Nicholas Schlott based o...
详细解释anomyn.社会的反常状态,混乱;英英释义 anomy[ 'nmi ]n.personal state of isolation and anxiety resulting from a lack of so...
详细解释serrateadj.锯齿状的;英英释义 serrate[ 'serit, s'reit, 'sereit ]v.make saw-toothed or jag the edge of"serrate the edges ...
详细解释unitardn.弹力全身紧身衣(通常为体操运动员、舞蹈演员所穿,也用作时装);英英释义 unitard[ 'ju:nit:d ]n.a tight-fitting ga...
详细解释jet blackn.乌黑,深黑;英英释义 jet black n.a very dark black同义词:coal blackebonypitch blacksablesoot blackadj.of the...
详细解释double over释义将(某物)叠起来;(使)弯腰;英英释义 double over v.bend over or curl up, usually with laughter or pain同...
详细解释trompv.践踏,跺脚; 变形 过去式:tromped过去分词:tromped现在分词:tromping第三人称单数:tromps 英英释义 TrompTromp is a...
详细解释asphyxiationn.窒息;英英释义 asphyxiation[ s,fiksi'ein ]n.the condition of being deprived of oxygen (as by having breath...
详细解释chiven.细洋葱;英英释义 chive[ taiv ]n.perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves used for seasoning同义词:chivescivesc...
详细解释satinyadj.缎子似的,有缎子般光泽的,光滑的;英英释义 satiny[ 'stini ]adj.having a smooth, gleaming surface"satiny garden...
详细解释anticlimacticadj.突降法的,渐减的;虎头蛇尾的;英英释义 anticlimactic[ ,ntiklai'mktik,-kl ]adj.of or relating to a sudde...
详细解释in the nick of timevt.偷;割伤;adv.恰好;英英释义 in the nick of time adv.at the last possible moment同义词:just in ti...