共 94 个单词
高中听力常用词汇相关的的单词有【selling season】【cash a check】【Silver medal】【baked beans】【smoke alarm】【be up for】【real life】【spit it out】【departure time】【deposit money】【filmmaking】【fixed deposit】【go easy on】【current deposit】【freezing cold】【express train】【bronze medal】【Business day】【guest room】【by inches】【cotton ball】【final exam】【ask for leave】【Help Wanted】【fixed account】【educational background】【shopping center】【gas stove】【last minute】【boarding card】【heavy traffic】【by boat】【get someone's foot in the door】【head out】【soften up】【start for】【flat screen】【feel bad】【bus pass】【make promise】等。
Silver medaln.银牌,银质奖章; 变形 复数:silver medals 英英释义 Silver medal n.a trophy made of silver (or having the a...
详细解释baked beansn.(加番茄酱等制的)烘豆;英英释义 Baked beansBaked beans over scrambled eggs on toast.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释smoke alarmn.烟雾警报器; 变形 复数:smoke alarms 英英释义 smoke alarm n.an alarm that is tripped off by fire or smoke同...
详细解释real lifen.现实生活,实际生活;英英释义 real life n.the practical world as opposed to the academic world同义词:real wor...
详细解释spit it out释义请说吧!毫无保留地讲,大声说[唱],打败;英英释义 Spit It Out(album version) (single mix)以上来源于:Wikipe...
详细解释departure time释义出发时间,撤离时间,起飞时刻;英英释义 departure time n.the time at which a public conveyance is sched...
详细解释filmmakingn.电影摄制,制片;英英释义 FilmmakingFilmmaking (often referred to in an academic context as film production) ...
详细解释fixed depositn.定期存款;英英释义 Fixed depositA fixed deposit (FD) is a financial instrument provided by Indian banks w...
详细解释express train释义特别快车;特快;英英释义 Express trainExpress trains (also sometimes referred to as "fast trains", thou...
详细解释bronze medaln.铜(质)奖章; 变形 复数:bronze medals 英英释义 bronze medal n.a trophy made of bronze (or having the app...
详细解释Business day释义营业日;英英释义 Business DayBusiness Day, established in 2001, is a daily business newspaper based in L...
详细解释guest roomn.客室,客房; 变形 复数:guest rooms 英英释义 guest room n.a bedroom that is kept for the use of guests同义词...
详细解释by inchesadv.缓慢地;险;英英释义 by inches adv.by a short distance同义词:little by littleby small degrees
详细解释final exam释义大考;英英释义 final exam n.an examination administered at the end of an academic term同义词:final examin...
详细解释shopping centern.购物中心,商店区;英英释义 shopping center n.mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landsca...
详细解释gas stoven.煤气炉;英英释义 gas stove n.a range with gas rings and an oven for cooking with gas同义词:gas rangegas cook...
详细解释last minuten.最后一刻,紧急关头;英英释义 last minute n.the latest possible moment同义词:eleventh houradj.just before a...
详细解释boarding cardn.乘车证,乘客证; 变形 复数:boarding cards 英英释义 boarding card n.a pass that allows you to board a shi...