共 65 个单词
高中英语人教版词汇表必修一必修二相关的的单词有【set the pace】【take an active part in】【be recognized as】【ahead of schedule】【the former】【the Baltic Sea】【identity card】【think little of】【think much of】【compete for】【in evidence】【in view】【judge from】【judge by】【express oneself】【attitude towards】【CAPE TOWN】【design for】【sentence to】【take command of】【burst into flame】【on stage】【burst out doing】【NELSON MANDELA】【have no choice but to】【blow down】【antiblack】【ANC】【come to attention】【have mercy on】【roll down】【come into sight】【make a joke】【play a joke】【a large amount of】【a type of】【from on】【to tell the truth】【roll by】【hunt out】等。
identity cardn.身份证; 变形 复数:identity cards 英英释义 identity card n.a card certifying the identity of the bearer同...
详细解释in view释义已提出的,计划好的;英英释义 In ViewIn View is a Canadian cultural current affairs television series which ai...
详细解释CAPE TOWNn.开普敦,南非首都;英英释义 CAPE TOWN n.port city in southwestern South Africa; the seat of the legislative br...
详细解释on stage英英释义 on stage adj.situated or taking place on the area of a stage visible to the audience同义词:onstageadv....
详细解释NELSON MANDELA释义纳尔逊曼德拉;英英释义 NELSON MANDELA n.South African statesman who was released from prison to become...
详细解释blow down释义吹倒,吹掉;真没想到;吹下;英英释义 BlowdownBlowdown is an internationally broadcast documentary televisio...
详细解释antiblackadj.反黑人的;英英释义 antiblack[ ,nti'blk ]adj.discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion同义词...
详细解释ANCabbr.African National Congress 非洲民族会议;英英释义 ANCANC commonly refers to the African National Congress, a revo...
详细解释roll down释义滚下;滚下来;英英释义 roll down v.gather into a huge mass and roll down a mountain, of snow同义词:avalanc...
详细解释to tell the truthadv.说实话;英英释义 To Tell the TruthTo Tell the Truth is an American game show.以上来源于:Wikipedia