共 39 个单词
高考英语词汇精讲词根归纳版有效加强记忆相关的的单词有【be distinguished for】【handtruck】【recept】【bling】【mineralize】【corn flour】【employment rate】【volcanological】【fresh air】【automan】【mid term】【fluence】【jet stream】【beautification】【roller-skating】【lose touch】【supply and demand】【squeezer】【fresh fruit】【be stuck】【cut away】【the Pacific】【school-leaver】【rise up】【cry for】【running nose】【sunbath】【compulsory education】【table-tennis】【unemployment rate】【ballpoint pen】【radio wave】【black coffee】【stepbrother】【Middle East】【volcanology】【volcanologist】【dig out】【chief executive officer】等。
receptn.感觉,感受;英英释义 Recept"Recept"(pronounced ) is a term used in the work of 19th-century psychologist George ...
详细解释mineralizev.使矿物化,使含无机化合物,采集矿物; 变形 过去式:mineralized过去分词:mineralized现在分词:mineralizing第三...
详细解释corn flourn.玉米粉,玉米淀粉;英英释义 corn flour n.starch prepared from the grains of corn; used in cooking as a thicke...
详细解释automann.汽车制造商;英英释义 AutoManAutoMan is a computer series of software implementations used for job scheduling an...
详细解释mid term释义[法] 中期;英英释义 mid term [ 'midt:m ]n.the middle of the gestation period同义词:midtermmiddle of an acad...
详细解释fluencen.(神秘的)影响;英英释义 FluenceIn physics, fluence is the flux (either particle or radiative flux) integrated ...
详细解释jet stream释义射流,急流; 变形 复数:jet streams 英英释义 jet stream n.a high-speed high-altitude airstream blowing fro...
详细解释beautificationn.美化;英英释义 beautification[ ,bju:tifi'kein ]n.the act of making something more beautiful
详细解释roller-skating释义滑旱冰;滑轱辘;英英释义 roller-skating[ 'rulskeiti ]n.skating on wheels同义词:roller skating
详细解释supply and demandn.供求;英英释义 Supply and demandSupply and demand is an economic model used to explain price changes ...
详细解释squeezern.扑克牌,剥削者;榨机;榨汁器;压配器英英释义 squeezer[ 'skwi:z ]n.a kitchen utensil for squeezing juice from f...
详细解释cut away释义切;去掉;切成;迅速离开英英释义 cut away n.a representation (drawing or model) of something in which the ou...
详细解释rise up释义耸立;上升;起来造反;起义英英释义 rise up v.come to the surface同义词:surfacecome uprisetake part in a rebe...
详细解释table-tennisn.桌球;英英释义 table-tennis[ 'teibl,tenis ]n.a game (trademark Ping-Pong) resembling tennis but played on ...
详细解释unemployment rate释义失业率;英英释义 unemployment rate n.the percentage of the work force that is unemployed at any giv...
详细解释ballpoint penn.原子笔;英英释义 ballpoint pen n.a pen that has a small metal ball as the point of transfer of ink to pap...
详细解释radio waven.无线电波;英英释义 radio wave n.an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength between 0.5 cm to 30,000 m同义词:...
详细解释black coffeen.清咖啡;不加牛奶的咖啡;英英释义 Black CoffeeBlack Coffee (born Nkosinathi Maphumulo on 11 March 1976) is ...
详细解释stepbrothern.(继母与其前夫或继父与其前妻所生的)哥哥,弟弟; 变形 复数:stepbrothers 英英释义 stepbrother[ 'step,br ]n....
详细解释Middle Eastn.中东(一般泛指欧,亚,非三大洲连接的地区);英英释义 Middle East n.the area around the eastern Mediterranea...
详细解释volcanologyn.火山学;英英释义 volcanology[ ,vlk'nldi ]n.the branch of geology that studies volcanoes同义词:vulcanology
详细解释volcanologistn.火山学家;英英释义 VolcanologistA volcanologist is a person who studies the formation of volcanoes and th...
详细解释dig out释义挖掘;挖走;找出来;匆匆地离开英英释义 dig out v.dig out from underneath earth or snowcreate by digging同义词...
详细解释chief executive officern.执行长,(政府最高行政长官)最高层主管人; 变形 复数:chief executive officers 英英释义 chief e...