共 64 个单词
麦克米伦高阶英汉词典核心词汇相关的的单词有【day to day】【fastfood】【prizewinning】【postoffice】【webpage】【high level】【goodmorning】【left hand】【wist】【peace process】【job centre】【short term】【secretary general】【lawcourt】【uptodate】【self discipline】【three quarters】【pontify】【phone box】【general public】【trigger off】【market day】【good looking】【phone book】等。
day to dayadv.天天,日复一日;英英释义 day to day adj.occurring or done each day同义词:dailyday-to-dayday-after-dayever...
详细解释prizewinningadj.(已)获奖的,有得奖可能的;英英释义 prizewinning[ 'praiz,wini ]adj.holding first place in a contest"a p...
详细解释webpagen.网页;英英释义 webpage[ 'webpeid ]n.a document connected to the World Wide Web and viewable by anyone connected...
详细解释high level释义高电平;高级;高能级;高水位英英释义 high level adj.at an elevated level in rank or importance同义词:high...
详细解释left handn.左手;左侧;英英释义 left hand n.the hand that is on the left side of the body同义词:leftadj.intended for th...
详细解释peace processn.和平进程; 变形 复数:peace processes 英英释义 peace process n.any social process undertaken by governmen...
详细解释job centren.职业介绍所; 变形 复数:job centres 英英释义 job centre n.a government office in a town where information ab...
详细解释short term释义短期;近期;英英释义 short term adj.relating to or extending over a limited period同义词:short-runshort-t...
详细解释secretary general释义秘书长; 变形 复数:secretaries general 英英释义 secretary general n.a person who is a chief admini...
详细解释lawcourtn.法庭;英英释义 lawcourt[ 'l:k:t ]n.room in which justice is administered according to the laws
详细解释uptodateadj.直到现代的,现时的,最新式的; 双语释义adj.(形容词)[A] 现代的; 最新的 modern or fashionable; having the most...
详细解释self discipline英英释义 self discipline n.the trait of practicing self discipline同义词:self-disciplineself-denialthe a...
详细解释three quarters释义四分之三;英英释义 ThreequartersThreequarters is used to describe several playing positions in the spo...
详细解释general public释义[法] 公众;英英释义 General PublicGeneral Public were a band formed by The Beat vocalists, Dave Wakeli...
详细解释trigger offv.引起,激起;英英释义 trigger off v.put in motion or move to act同义词:tripactuatetriggeractivateset offspa...
详细解释good looking释义外表好看的;美貌的;英英释义 good looking adj.pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity ...
详细解释phone bookn.电话簿; 变形 复数:phone books 英英释义 phone book n.a directory containing an alphabetical list of telepho...