共 232 个单词
capsulitisn.囊炎,被膜炎晶状体炎;英英释义 CapsulitisCapsulitis refers to inflammation of a capsule.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释caudaladj.尾部的,近尾部的;英英释义 caudal[ 'k:dl ]adj.constituting or relating to a tail"caudal appendage"resembling a...
详细解释thymocyten.胸腺细胞;英英释义 ThymocyteThymocytes are hematopoietic progenitor cells present in the thymus. Thymopoiesis...
详细解释relaxantadj.弛缓的;n.弛缓药;英英释义 relaxant[ ri'lksnt ]n.a drug that relaxes and relieves tensionadj.tending to rela...
详细解释fibroadenoman.纤维腺瘤; 变形 复数:fibroadenomata 英英释义 fibroadenoma[ 'faibru,d'num ]n.benign and movable and firm a...
详细解释ophthalmitisn.眼炎;英英释义 ophthalmitis[ ,fl'maitis, ,p- ]n.severe conjunctivitis同义词:ophthalmia
详细解释corticotropinn.促肾上腺皮质激素,亲皮质素;英英释义 corticotropin[ k:tiku'trupn ]n.a hormone produced by the anterior pi...
详细解释arteriovenousadj.动静脉的,连接动静脉的;英英释义 arteriovenous[ :,tiriu'vi:ns ]adj.connecting an artery to a vein"an ar...
详细解释cryptorchidismn.隐睾病;英英释义 cryptorchidism[ krip't:kidizm ]n.failure of one or both testes to move into the scrotum...
详细解释ascariasisn.蛔虫病;英英释义 ascariasis[ ,sk'raisis ]n.infestation of the human intestine with Ascaris roundworms
详细解释synostosisn.骨性联接,骨结合;骨性结合;骨联合;英英释义 SynostosisSynostosis means fusion of two bones, it can be norma...
详细解释azotemian.氮质血症;英英释义 azotemia[ ,z'ti:mi ]n.accumulation in the blood of nitrogenous waste products (urea) that a...
详细解释excretoryn.排泄器官;adj.排泄(物)的;英英释义 excretory[ ek'skri:tri, 'ekskr- ]adj.of or relating to the process of ex...
详细解释dilatationn.(中空器官或空洞)扩张;膨胀;扩张过程;膨胀过程英英释义 dilatation[ ,dail'tein, dil- ]n.the state of being ...
详细解释conformaladj.(地图投影中)正形投影的,等角的;共形;英英释义 ConformalConformal is a family of EDA (Electronic Design A...
详细解释angiopathyn.血管病,淋巴管病;英英释义 angiopathy[ ,ndi'pi ]n.any disease of the blood vessels or lymph ducts
详细解释amyotrophyn.肌萎缩;英英释义 amyotrophy[ ,eimai'trfi ]n.progressive wasting of muscle tissues同义词:amyotrophia
详细解释leucocyten.白血球,白细胞;英英释义 leucocyte[ 'lju:kusait ]n.blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi; an ...
详细解释glycoproteinn.糖蛋白类,醣蛋白;英英释义 glycoprotein[ ,laiku'prutin ]n.a conjugated protein having a carbohydrate compo...
详细解释bolusn.小而圆的物块,大丸药; 变形 复数:boluses 英英释义 bolus[ 'buls ]n.a small round soft mass (as of chewed food)a l...
详细解释tuberosityn.结节;有块茎;块茎状物;英英释义 tuberosity[ ,tju:b'rsti ]n.a protuberance on a bone especially for attachme...
详细解释myxoman.黏液瘤; 变形 复数:myxomasmyxomata 英英释义 myxoma[ mik'sum ]n.a benign tumor of connective tissue containing j...
详细解释angiographyn.血管造影法;英英释义 angiography[ ,ndi'rfi ]n.roentgenographic examination of blood vessels after injection...
详细解释cystitisn.膀胱炎;英英释义 cystitis[ sis'taitis ]n.inflammation of the urinary bladder and ureters
详细解释embolizationn.栓塞(现象);英英释义 Embolization[[Micrograph of embolic material in the artery of a kidney. The kidney ...
详细解释hemorrhagicadj.出血的;出血性;英英释义 hemorrhagicadj.of or relating to a hemorrhage同义词:haemorrhagic
详细解释occlusiveadj.闭塞的,咬合的;英英释义 occlusive[ 'klu:siv, - ]n.a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some...
详细解释suppurativeadj.化脓的,化脓性的,促使化脓的;n.化脓促进剂,吸脓药;英英释义 suppurative[ 'spjurtiv, -reitiv ]adj.relatin...
详细解释prostatectomyn.前列腺切除术;英英释义 prostatectomy[ ,prst'tektmi ]n.surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gla...