共 300 个单词
2-分钟听懂VOA相关的的单词有【pollen】【political football】【labor department】【gabbro】【in a bid to】【statehouse】【law enforcement agency】【unaccounted】【covey】【liberal party】【brain drain】【river basin】【out of power】【Fosamax】【auction house】【stateless】【Belarus】【weapons-grade】【cit】【manufacturing sector】【suicide bomber】【The World Health Organization】【per capita income】【criminalize】【polling】【scare off】【cash-strapped】【vocalist】【competitiveness】【resumption】【figure in】【ringmaster】【slat】【glob】【prefecture】【guitarist】【solidity】【barbed】【Braille】【hijacking】等。
pollenn.花粉;[虫]粉面;vt.传授花粉给;用花粉掩盖; 变形 复数:pollens 英英释义 pollen[ 'plin ]n.the fine spores that co...
详细解释political footballn.有争议性的问题;英英释义 Political footballPresident Harrison political cartoon: What can I do when ...
详细解释labor department英英释义 labor department n.the federal department responsible for promoting the working conditions of w...
详细解释gabbron.辉长岩; 变形 复数:gabbros 英英释义 gabbro[ 'bru ]n.one of a family of granular intrusive rocks
详细解释statehousen.州议会的议场; 变形 复数:statehouses 英英释义 statehouse[ 'steithaus ]n.a government building in which a st...
详细解释law enforcement agency释义执法机构;英英释义 law enforcement agency n.an agency responsible for insuring obedience to th...
详细解释coveyn.一小群鹧鸪; 变形 复数:coveys 英英释义 covey[ 'kvi ]n.a small collection of peoplea small flock of grouse or par...
详细解释liberal partyn.自由党;英英释义 liberal party n.a major political party in Great Britain in the 19th century; now the th...
详细解释brain drainn.智囊流失;英英释义 brain drain n.depletion or loss of intellectual and technical personnel
详细解释river basinn.江河流域; 变形 复数:river basins 英英释义 river basin n.the entire geographical area drained by a river a...
详细解释Fosamax释义[医]福善美(含 alendronate sodium);英英释义 Fosamaxn.a tablet (trade name Fosamax) prescribed to prevent or...
详细解释statelessadj.无国家的,无国籍的;英英释义 stateless[ 'steitlis ]adj.without nationality or citizenship"stateless persons...
详细解释Belarus释义白俄罗斯;英英释义 Belarusn.a landlocked republic in eastern Europe; formerly a European soviet同义词:Republ...
详细解释weapons-grade释义终极的;极限的;极度的;武器级的。英英释义 weapons-gradeadj.of a quality adequate for use in weapons (e...
详细解释suicide bomber英英释义 suicide bomber n.a terrorist who blows himself up in order to kill or injure other people
详细解释per capita incomen.个人平均所得;人均国民收入;英英释义 per capita income n.the total national income divided by the num...
详细解释criminalizevt.宣布…犯法,使负刑事责任; 变形 过去式:criminalized过去分词:criminalized现在分词:criminalizing第三人称单...
详细解释pollingn.投票;轮询;v.获得…张票数(poll的ing形式);对…进行调查;投票;英英释义 poll[ 'puli ]n.an inquiry into public o...
详细解释scare off释义使(某人)望而却步,吓跑…;英英释义 scare off v.cause to lose courage同义词:dauntdashpallfrighten offscar...
详细解释vocalistn.声乐家;歌手; 变形 复数:vocalists 英英释义 vocalist[ 'vuklist ]n.a person who sings同义词:singervocalizervo...
详细解释competitiveness释义[经] 竞争;竞争性;英英释义 competitiveness[ km'petitivnis ]n.an aggressive willingness to compete同义...
详细解释ringmastern.马戏表演领班[指挥]; 变形 复数:ringmasters 英英释义 ringmaster[ 'ri,m:st, -,ms- ]n.the person in charge of ...
详细解释prefecturen.地方官的任期,辖区; 变形 复数:prefectures 英英释义 prefecture[ 'pri:fektju, -t- ]n.the district administer...
详细解释guitaristn.吉他弹奏者; 变形 复数:guitarists 英英释义 guitarist[ i't:rist ]n.a musician who plays the guitar同义词:gui...
详细解释solidityn.可靠性;固性;硬度;固态英英释义 solidity[ s'liditi ]n.the consistency of a solid同义词:solidnessstate of hav...
详细解释barbedadj.装有倒钩的;尖刻讥讽的;锋利的;英英释义 barbed[ b:bd ]adj.capable of wounding"a barbed compliment"同义词:bit...