共 31 个单词
2017考研英语二老蒋讲真题第1季MBAMPAMPAcc相关的的单词有【saleroom】【large quantities of】【quare】【drive back】【unremarked】【for the purpose of】【sure-fire】【Proxy statement】【high risk】【stick it out】【in the short run】【far off】【a dozen】【in the mean time】【issue in】【report card】【director general】【school board】【fluctuant】【air freshener】【be identified with】【air traffic control】【turn the corner】【be applied to】【As it happens】【water purifier】【unrepresentative】【at bottom】【blue-ribbon】【under fire】【public hearing】等。
saleroomn.拍卖场,售货处; 变形 复数:salerooms 英英释义 saleroom[ 'seilru(:)m ]n.an area where merchandise (such as car...
详细解释drive back释义驾车返回,驱车返回;迫使后退;逐退;却英英释义 drive back v.force or drive back同义词:repelrepulsefight o...
详细解释sure-fireadj.确切的;英英释义 sure-fireadj.certain to be successful"a sure-fire way to get rich"
详细解释Proxy statement释义股东签署的委托书;英英释义 Proxy statementA proxy statement is a statement required of a firm when so...
详细解释high risk释义高危;英英释义 high risk adj.not financially safe or secure同义词:badriskyhigh-riskspeculative
详细解释stick it outv.坚持到底;英英释义 Stick It Out"Stick It Out"is a song and single by the progressive rock band Rush from t...
详细解释report cardn.成绩单; 变形 复数:report cards 英英释义 report card n.a written evaluation of a student's scholarship and...
详细解释school boardn.教育委员会;学校董事会; 变形 复数:school boards 英英释义 school board n.a board in charge of local publi...
详细解释air freshenern.空气清新剂; 变形 复数:air fresheners 英英释义 Air freshenerAir fresheners are consumer products used in...
详细解释air traffic control释义空中交通管理,空中交通管制,空中交通指挥;英英释义 Air Traffic ControlAir Traffic Control is a po...
详细解释As it happens释义碰巧;正巧;英英释义 As It HappensAs It Happens is a long-running interview show on CBC Radio One in Ca...
详细解释unrepresentativeadj.不典型的,没有代表性的;英英释义 unrepresentative[ ,n,repri'zenttiv ]adj.not exemplifying a class"be...
详细解释at bottomadv.实际上;说到底;骨子里;英英释义 at bottom adv.in reality同义词:at heartdeep downinsidein spite of appeara...
详细解释blue-ribbonadj.头等的,第一流的;英英释义 blue-ribbon[ 'blu:'ribn ]n.an honor or award gained for excellence同义词:blue...
详细解释under fire释义在炮火攻击下,受到攻击;英英释义 under fire adj.subjected to enemy attack or censure同义词:under attack(p...