共 185 个单词
3E少儿英语听读写三级相关的的单词有【a couple】【bamboo shoots】【take a joke】【take advice】【be born in】【be in good health】【be free to】【be mad on】【be far from】【bean sprouts】【soymilk】【sports ground】【receive from】【have a good appetite】【have a match】【have a lesson】【leather shoe】【model ship】【go mad】【go hungry】【invite to】【hurry off】【mop the floor】【lose way】【at that moment】【write in】【ask for leave】【give a ring】【wait a moment】【make do】【tooth paste】【speech contest】【Have difficulty】【be present at】【fail to do】【washing-up】【have pity on】【kneel down】【shame on】【quarrel with】等。
soymilkn.豆奶,豆浆;英英释义 soymilk[ 'similk ]n.a milk substitute containing soybean flour and water; used in some inf...
详细解释hurry off释义(使)迅速离开;英英释义 HurryoffHurryoff (foaled 1930 in Kentucky) was an American Thoroughbred racehorse ...
详细解释write in释义写信反映;将…插写进去;以书面提出;写入英英释义 write in n.a candidate for public office whose name does no...
详细解释make do释义将就着使用, 凑合着用;英英释义 make do n.something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency同义词:make...
详细解释tooth paste释义牙膏;英英释义 tooth paste n.a dentifrice in the form of a paste同义词:toothpaste
详细解释washing-upn.洗涤;洗餐具;英英释义 washing-up[ 'wi'p, 'w:- ]n.the washing of dishes etc after a meal