共 17 个单词
500-Days-of-Summer-和莎莫的500天相关的的单词有【rock the boat】【unsentimental】【to wit】【doth】【bodacious】【mazel tov】【bar mitzvah】【level with】【trivet】【schmaltz】【greeting card】【cinematography】【blind date】【solitaire】【screamer】【up front】【off the hook】等。
rock the boat释义破坏现状, 捣乱;英英释义 Rock the Boat"Rock the Boat"is a disco song by the group Hues Corporation in ...
详细解释unsentimentaladj.不动感情的;英英释义 unsentimental[ ,n,senti'mentl ]adj.facing facts or difficulties realistically and ...
详细解释bodaciousadj.胆大包天的;英英释义 bodacious[ bu'deis ]adj.incorrigible"a bodacious gossip"unrestrained by convention or ...
详细解释mazel tov释义[意第绪语]恭喜!;英英释义 Mazel tov"Mazel tov"or "mazal tov"(Hebrew/Yiddish: " ", Hebrew: "mazal tov"; Yid...
详细解释bar mitzvahn.受诫礼(为满 13 岁的犹太男孩举行的成人仪式);vt.给男孩行受戒礼; 变形 复数:bar mitzvahs过去式:bar mitzva...
详细解释trivetn.三脚铁架;金属架;英英释义 trivet[ 'trivit ]n.a three-legged metal stand for supporting a cooking vessel in a he...
详细解释schmaltzn.极端流于感伤的音乐,伤感主义;英英释义 schmaltzn.(Yiddish) excessive sentimentality in art or music同义词:shm...
详细解释greeting card释义贺年片(用纸);英英释义 greeting card n.a card sent to express personal greetings
详细解释cinematographyn.电影术;英英释义 cinematography[ ,sinm'trfi ]n.the act of making a film同义词:filmingmotion-picture pho...
详细解释blind daten.男女间的初次会面,相亲; 变形 复数:blind dates 英英释义 blind date n.a participant in a blind date (someone...
详细解释solitairen.单人纸牌戏,单人跳棋,单粒宝石; 变形 复数:solitaires 英英释义 solitairen.a gem (usually a diamond) in a set...
详细解释screamern.尖声叫喊的人,(报刊上的)惊人的标题;英英释义 screamer[ 'skri:m ]n.someone who communicates vocally in a very...
详细解释off the hook释义未挂上;摆脱困境;英英释义 off the hook adj.freed from danger or blame or obligation