共 464 个单词
angelicadj.天使的,天国的;(美丽、善良、纯洁等)似天使的;英英释义 angelic[ n'delik ]adj.marked by utter benignity; res...
详细解释acutelyadv.尖锐地;剧烈地;英英释义 acutely[ 'kju:tli ]adv.in an acute manner"she pitied her sister acutely"; "acutely a...
详细解释coloneln.上校; 变形 复数:colonels 双语释义n.(名词)[C]上校 army officer,above a major,commanding a regiment 英英释义 co...
详细解释sorelyadv.严重地;疼痛地;非常;英英释义 sorely[ 's:li ]adv.to a great degree"I missed him sorely"; "we were sorely taxe...
详细解释malicen.恶意,恶感;怨恨;[法]预谋;祸心 双语释义n.(名词)[U]恶意,蓄意害人 the wish to hurt other people 英英释义 malice...
详细解释prudentialadj.谨慎的;英英释义 prudential[ pru:'denl ]adj.arising from or characterized by prudence especially in busine...
详细解释complexionn.肤色,面色,气色;形式,局面; 变形 复数:complexions 双语释义n.(名词)[C]肤色,面色 natural color and appeara...
详细解释splendourn.华丽,壮观;辉煌,光辉;显赫; 变形 复数:splendours 英英释义 splendour[ 'splend ]n.a quality that outshines ...
详细解释wretchn.不幸的人;可怜的人;恶棍;坏蛋 变形 复数:wretches 英英释义 wretch[ ret ]n.performs some wicked deedsomeone you ...
详细解释scandalousadj.丢脸的;诽谤性的;英英释义 scandalous[ 'skndls ]adj.giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to...
详细解释connoisseurn.鉴赏家,鉴定家;行家,内行,权威; 变形 复数:connoisseurs 英英释义 connoisseur[ ,kn's: ]n.an expert able t...
详细解释celeryn.芹菜;香芹粉;芹菜籽; 变形 复数:celeries 英英释义 celery[ 'selri ]n.widely cultivated herb with aromatic leaf ...
详细解释intimacyn.亲密;亲近;亲昵的言行;性行为 变形 复数:intimacies 英英释义 intimacy[ 'intimsi ]n.close or warm friendship"t...
详细解释chestnutn.栗子;栗色;栗树;栗色马adj.栗色的; 变形 复数:chestnuts 英英释义 chestnut[ 'tesnt ]n.wood of any of various ...
详细解释nephewn.侄子,外甥; 变形 复数:nephews 双语释义n.(名词)[C]侄子,外甥 son of one's brother or sister, or son of one's bro...
详细解释reverentadj.恭敬的,虔敬的;穆;英英释义 reverent[ 'revrnt ]adj.feeling or showing profound respect or veneration"mainta...
详细解释fornicationn.通奸,乱伦;拱顶;英英释义 fornication[ ,f:ni'kein ]n.voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not marr...
详细解释bedchambern.卧室;(君主的)侍寝官; 变形 复数:bedchambers 英英释义 bedchamber[ 'bed,teimb ]n.a room used primarily for...
详细解释embroidervt.& vi.刺绣;在…上绣花;渲染; 变形 过去式:embroidered过去分词:embroidered现在分词:embroidering第三人称单数...
详细解释troutn.鲑鳟鱼;v.钓[捕]鳟鱼; 变形 复数:troutstrout 英英释义 troutn.flesh of any of several primarily freshwater game a...
详细解释reverien.想入非非;白日梦,冥想; 变形 复数:reveries 英英释义 reverie[ 'revri ]n.absentminded dreaming while awake同义词...
详细解释muslinn.平纹细布(一种薄细的棉布),(总称)女性; 变形 复数:muslins 英英释义 muslin[ 'mzlin ]n.plain-woven cotton fabr...
详细解释falsehoodn.谎言,假话,虚假; 变形 复数:falsehoods 英英释义 falsehood[ 'f:lshud ]n.a false statement同义词:falsityuntr...
详细解释spasmn.痉挛;抽搐;(能量、行为等的)突发;发作 变形 复数:spasms 英英释义 spasm[ 'spzm ]n.a painful and involuntary mus...
详细解释abhorrencen.厌恶;憎恨;令人憎恶的事或人;极讨厌的东西 双语释义n.(名词)[U] 厌恶,憎恶,痛恨 a feeling of extreme loathin...