共 159 个单词
A-to-Z-Mysteries高频到低频词汇相关的的单词有【can't wait】【backhoe】【perch on】【speed away】【spill the beans】【raker】【Reach into】【redheaded】【game warden】【walk away】【napper】【counterfeiter】【under arrest】【calamine】【firehouse】【jump to conclusions】【go to prison】【get out of here】【eyeglasses】【draw attention】【burst open】【flip a coin】【What a shame】【piece of cake】【take the bait】【just in case】【pick someone up】【catch up to】【On the other side】【wide awake】【for god's sake】【be serious about】【ring the bell】【in jail】【in single file】【most of the time】【teacher's pet】【make out of】【go aboard】【At your service】等。
can't wait英英释义 Can't Wait"Can't Wait"is the second single released from Redman's second album, Dare Iz a Darkside. I...
详细解释backhoen.反铲挖土机;英英释义 backhoe[ 'bk,hu ]n.an excavator whose shovel bucket is attached to a hinged boom and is dr...
详细解释spill the beans释义泄露秘密;露馅儿;英英释义 spill the beans v.divulge confidential information or secrets同义词:let t...
详细解释redheadedadj.(人)红发的,(鸟)红头的,急躁的;英英释义 redheaded[ 'red,hedid ]adj.having red hair and usually fair sk...
详细解释game wardenn.狩猎监督官;英英释义 game warden n.a person employed to take care of game and wildlife同义词:gamekeeper
详细解释walk away释义走开;英英释义 walk away n.an easy victory同义词:runawayblowoutromplaughershoo-inwalkawayv.go away from同义...
详细解释counterfeitern.伪造者; 变形 复数:counterfeiters 英英释义 counterfeiter[ 'kaunt,fit ]n.someone who makes copies illegal...
详细解释calaminen.菱锌矿,炉甘石(可入药);英英释义 calamine[ 'klmain ]n.a white mineral; a common ore of zinc同义词:hemimorph...
详细解释firehousen.消防站; 变形 复数:firehouses 英英释义 firehouse[ 'faihaus ]n.a station housing fire apparatus and firemen同...
详细解释eyeglasses释义[医]眼镜;叆叇;英英释义 eyeglasses[ 'aigla:siz ]n.optical instrument consisting of a pair of lenses for c...
详细解释piece of cake释义小菜一碟;非常容易的事;英英释义 piece of cake n.any undertaking that is easy to do同义词:cinchbreezep...
详细解释wide awake释义[医]完全清醒的;英英释义 wide awake adj.fully awake同义词:unsleepingwide-awakefully alert and watchful同义...
详细解释ring the bellv.鸣钟,成功;大功告成;英英释义 Ring the BellRing The Bell (1977–1993) is a Thoroughbred racehorse who wo...
详细解释At your service释义听候吩咐;英英释义 At Your ServiceAt Your Service is an Irish makeover television programme, the firs...