共 31 个单词
BEC中级词汇相关的的单词有【actuals】【MB】【menswear】【reorientate】【fixable】【underinsured】【provable】【eurocurrency】【cut-rate】【take-over】【CBA】【non-negotiable】【licensor】【debtee】【D/A】【deskill】【TT】【denationalize】【telesales】【tax-deductible】【end-user】【mailshot】【semi-skilled】【overtrade】【dp】【point-of-sale】【go-slow】【business school】【take-up】【up-market】【p.a.】等。
actuals释义[经] 实际货物;英英释义 actual[ 'ktulz ]adj.presently existing in fact and not merely potential or possible"t...
详细解释MBn.兆字节;英英释义 MBn.a unit of information equal to one million (1,048,576) bytes同义词:megabyte(a British degree) ...
详细解释menswearn.男装;男装部;男服;英英释义 MenswearMenswear (sometimes written "Menswe@r") were a Britpop band formed in Oct...
详细解释reorientatevt.使重定向;英英释义 reorientate[ ,ri:':rienteit, -'u- ]v.orient once again, after a disorientation同义词:r...
详细解释underinsuredadj.保险(额)不足的;英英释义 UnderinsuredUnderinsured refers to various degrees of being insured for some ...
详细解释provableadj.可证明的,可证实的;英英释义 provable[ 'pru:vbl ]adj.capable of being demonstrated or proved"practical truth...
详细解释eurocurrencyn.欧洲货币;英英释义 eurocurrency[ 'juru'krnsi ]n.currency of the major financial and industrial countries h...
详细解释cut-rateadj.打折扣的,粗劣的,二流货的;英英释义 cut-rate[ 'kt,reit ]n.a price below the standard price同义词:bargain r...
详细解释take-overn.接管,接收;英英释义 take-over[ 'teikuv ]n.a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force同...
详细解释TTabbr.Trinidad &Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥;英英释义 TTn.(astronomy) a measure of time defined by Earth's orbital motion; ...
详细解释denationalizevt.使(工业等)非国有化; 变形 过去式:denationalized过去分词:denationalized现在分词:denationalizing第三人...
详细解释end-user释义(产品,尤指计算机产品的)最终用户,直接用户,终端用户;英英释义 end-user[ 'end,ju:z ]n.the ultimate user fo...
详细解释mailshotn.邮寄广告; 变形 复数:mailshots 英英释义 MailshotMailshots (or Mail shots) are bulk mail advertising sent thro...
详细解释semi-skilled释义[医]半熟练的;英英释义 semi-skilled[ semiskild ]adj.possessing or requiring limited skills同义词:semisk...
详细解释overtradevi.(企业)贸易过度; 变形 过去式:overtraded过去分词:overtraded现在分词:overtrading第三人称单数:overtrades
详细解释dpabbr.depth 深;department 部;deep 深的;double papel 双层英英释义 dpn.a person forced to flee from home or country同义...
详细解释point-of-saleadj.销售点的,售货点的;英英释义 point-of-sale[ ,pintv'seil ]adj.of or relating to or being the location wh...
详细解释go-slowadj.怠工的;n.怠工; 变形 复数:go-slows 英英释义 go-slow[ ,u'slu ]n.a form of protest by workers in which they d...
详细解释business school释义商业学校; 变形 复数:business schools 英英释义 business school n.a graduate school offering study le...
详细解释take-upn.拉紧;紧线器;拿起;举起英英释义 take-up[ 'teikp ]n.a device for reducing slack or taking up lost motionthe act...
详细解释up-marketadj.& adv.高档的(地),高档消费的(地);英英释义 up-market[ p'ma:kit ]adj.designed for consumers with high in...