共 35 个单词
English-Fit-上相关的的单词有【pilot scheme】【hang-up】【compact disk】【Immanuel】【lace-up】【netiquette】【gizzard】【poult】【houndstooth】【paraglider】【silicon chip】【slip-on】【cassia】【suspended sentence】【digester】【corroboree】【phosphorescent】【caruncle】【non-stop】【world cup】【trade off】【turmeric】【altruist】【tank top】【carapace】【echidna】【juggling】【chicken wing】【have got to】【farthest】【mathematic】【hang off】【hand on】【wingtip】【herringbone】等。
hang-upn.(精神或感情上的)烦恼;焦虑;困难;问题 变形 复数:hang-ups 英英释义 hang-up[ 'hp ]n.an emotional preoccupatio...
详细解释compact disk释义激光唱片,压缩磁盘,光盘;英英释义 compact disk n.a digitally encoded recording on an optical disk that ...
详细解释lace-upadj.系带的;n.系带靴(或鞋);英英释义 lace-up[ 'leisp ]v.draw through eyes or holes同义词:lacelace up
详细解释gizzardn.(鸟的)砂囊;(鸟的)胃;喉咙;(人的)胃 变形 复数:gizzards 英英释义 gizzard[ 'izd ]n.thick-walled muscular ...
详细解释silicon chipn.硅片; 变形 复数:silicon chips 英英释义 silicon chip n.electronic equipment consisting of a small crystal...
详细解释cassian.桂皮,肉桂; 变形 复数:cassias 英英释义 cassia[ 'ksi ]n.any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Cassia havi...
详细解释suspended sentencen.缓刑; 变形 复数:suspended sentences 英英释义 Suspended sentenceA suspended sentence is a legal ter...
详细解释digestern.做摘要者,助消化食品;英英释义 digestern.autoclave consisting of a vessel in which plant or animal materials a...
详细解释corroboreen.(澳大利亚原住民的)歌舞会; 变形 复数:corroborees 英英释义 Corroboree1950 ballet performance of [[John Ant...
详细解释phosphorescentadj.发出磷光的,磷光性的;英英释义 phosphorescent[ ,fsf'resnt ]adj.emitting light without appreciable heat...
详细解释carunclen.肉冠,肉阜,肉瘤;爪垫;脐阜;英英释义 caruncle[ 'krkl ]n.an outgrowth on a plant or animal such as a fowl's w...
详细解释non-stopadj.& adv.不停的(地),不断的(地);英英释义 non-stop[ 'nn'stp ]n.a flight made without intermediate stops bet...
详细解释trade off释义交换物品[人];英英释义 trade off n.an exchange that occurs as a compromise同义词:tradeofftrade-off
详细解释turmericn.姜黄,姜黄根,姜黄根粉末;英英释义 turmeric[ 't:mrik ]n.widely cultivated tropical plant of India having yello...
详细解释altruistn.利他主义者,爱他主义者;英英释义 altruist[ 'ltruist ]n.someone who makes charitable donations intended to incr...
详细解释tank top释义油罐顶盖;背心装; 变形 复数:tank tops 英英释义 tank top n.a tight-fitting sleeveless shirt with wide shoul...
详细解释carapacen.(龟、蟹等的)硬壳; 变形 复数:carapaces 英英释义 carapace[ 'krpeis ]n.hard outer covering or case of certain...
详细解释echidnan.单孔目哺乳动物,针鼹鼠; 变形 复数:echidnasechidnae 英英释义 echidna[ e'kidn ]n.a burrowing monotreme mammal c...
详细解释herringbonen.鲱鱼鱼骨,交叉缝式,人字形;adj.箭尾形的;v.(使)成箭尾形;英英释义 herringbone[ 'heribun ]n.a twilled fab...