共 434 个单词
EnglishPod相关的的单词有【extroverted】【Richter scale】【ambiance】【kind of】【good looking】【chicken pox】【solitaire】【tidy up】【a bunch of】【Malaysian】【salt shaker】【act up】【tied up】【go all out】【get hold of】【trade in】【let off steam】【all set】【at the outset】【crystal-clear】【have in mind】【pull into】【easy-going】【step down】【tie up】【map out】【get ahead】【knock over】【keep up】【work on】【work ethic】【plastic surgery】【career path】【liposuction】【electromagnetism】【live off】【last but not least】【a range of】【suck up】【work up】等。
extrovertedadj.外向性的,喜社交的;英英释义 extroverted[ 'ekstruv:tid ]adj.not introspective; examining what is outside ...
详细解释Richter scalen.里克特震级;里氏震级(共分10级);英英释义 Richter scale n.a logarithmic scale of 1 to 10 used to express...
详细解释ambiancen.周围环境,气氛;英英释义 ambiance[ 'mbins ]n.a particular environment or surrounding influence同义词:atmosphe...
详细解释kind of释义稍微,有点儿,有几分;英英释义 kind of adv.to some (great or small) extent同义词:ratherkindasort of
详细解释good looking释义外表好看的;美貌的;英英释义 good looking adj.pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity ...
详细解释chicken poxn.水痘;英英释义 chicken pox n.an acute contagious disease caused by herpes varicella zoster virus; causes a ...
详细解释solitairen.单人纸牌戏,单人跳棋,单粒宝石; 变形 复数:solitaires 英英释义 solitairen.a gem (usually a diamond) in a set...
详细解释tidy upv.整理,收拾;归置;英英释义 tidy up v.put (things or places) in order同义词:tidyclean upneatenstraightenstraigh...
详细解释Malaysiann.马来西亚人;adj.马来西亚的;马来西亚人的; 变形 复数:Malaysians 英英释义 Malaysian[ m'lein; -zin ]n.a native...
详细解释salt shakern.盐瓶; 变形 复数:salt shakers 英英释义 salt shaker n.a shaker with a perforated top for sprinkling salt同义...
详细解释act up释义(病痛等)复发;炫耀;行动倔强;(机器等)功能失常英英释义 act up v.misbehave badly; act in a silly or imprope...
详细解释go all out释义全力以赴;甩开膀子;鼓足干劲;大干英英释义 go all out v.perform a task as well as possible同义词:give one...
详细解释get hold of释义找到某物以供使用;找到某人;英英释义 get hold of v.get into one's hands, take physically同义词:takebe in...
详细解释trade in释义用(旧物)贴换新物;出售,经营;英英释义 trade in n.an item of property that is given in part payment for a ...
详细解释all set释义准备就绪;英英释义 All SetAll Set, for jazz ensemble, is a 1957 composition for small jazz band by the Americ...
详细解释crystal-clearadj.透明似水晶的,易懂的;英英释义 crystal-clear[ 'kristl'kli ]adj.transmitting light; able to be seen thro...
详细解释easy-goingadj.逍遥自在的,悠闲的;懒散的,不严肃的;随和的;英英释义 easy-going[ ,i:zi:'gui ]n.easy unobstructed progres...
详细解释step down释义退休,辞职;英英释义 step down n.the act of decreasing or reducing something同义词:decreasediminutionreduc...
详细解释tie up释义(使)停泊;阻碍;包起来;使无空闲英英释义 tie up n.a social or business relationship同义词:affiliationassoci...
详细解释map out释义在地图上标出;筹划[安排]某事;详细提出某事;规英英释义 map out v.plan, delineate, or arrange in detail同义词:...
详细解释get aheadv.(使)走在前面,进步,获得成功;英英释义 get ahead v.obtain advantages, such as points, etc.同义词:gainadvan...
详细解释knock over释义偷窃;碰翻;使吃惊;轻易击败英英释义 knock over v.cause to overturn from an upright or normal position同义...
详细解释keep upvi.不减弱, (天气)持续不变;保持;保养;(使)不倒下保持不衰退;英英释义 keep up v.maintain a required pace or ...
详细解释work on释义从事于…;继续工作;努力影响[说服];致力于英英释义 work on v.to exert effort in order to do, make, or perform...
详细解释work ethic释义职业伦理;英英释义 Work ethicWork ethic is a value based on hard work and diligence. It is also a belief i...
详细解释plastic surgery释义整形手术;英英释义 plastic surgery n.surgery concerned with therapeutic or cosmetic reformation of ti...
详细解释electromagnetismn.电磁,电磁学;英英释义 electromagnetism[ i,lektru'mnitizm ]n.magnetism produced by an electric current...
详细解释last but not least释义最后但同样重要的;英英释义 last but not least adv.in addition to all the foregoing同义词:last not...
详细解释suck up释义吸收;奉承;拍马屁;巴结英英释义 suck up [ 'skp ]v.take in, also metaphorically同义词:absorbsuckimbibesoak u...