共 889 个单词
Friends-老友记-第二季相关的的单词有【section】【self conscious】【carpaccio】【pal】【casa】【paper tray】【cello】【check it out】【academy award】【tangelo】【aftertaste】【telephone pole】【speedster】【maraca】【come off】【dial】【laser beam】【midlife crisis】【old saying】【ole】【boff】【blowfish】【weenie】【limerick】【insole】【zilch】【doubloon】【dung beetle】【cruller】【unjustified】【fortunately】【judgemental】【fruit fly】【kebob】【broke up】【grind up】【buzz in】【molding】【drop the ball】【low-budget】等。
self conscious英英释义 self conscious adj.aware of yourself as an individual or of your own being and actions and though...
详细解释carpaccion.(配有调味汁的) 生牛肉片,白汁红肉,擅用红白两色而得名;英英释义 CarpaccioCarpaccio ( or ; ) is a dish of ra...
详细解释cellon.大提琴; 变形 复数:cellos 英英释义 cello[ 'telu ]n.a large stringed instrument; seated player holds it upright w...
详细解释check it out释义仔细讨论;英英释义 Check It OutCheck it Out is a youth-oriented television series produced twice weekly ...
详细解释academy awardn.奥斯卡奖(美国电影艺术金像奖);英英释义 academy award annual award by the Academy of Motion Picture...
详细解释tangelon.蜜柑与柚子的杂交植物或其果实;橘柚;英英释义 tangelo[ 'tndlu ]n.hybrid between grapefruit and mandarin orange; ...
详细解释telephone polen.电话线杆; 变形 复数:telephone poles 英英释义 telephone pole n.tall pole supporting telephone wires同义...
详细解释speedstern.高速行进的人,高速汽车,超速驾驶者;快船;英英释义 SpeedsterA speedster is a fictional character in superhero...
详细解释maracan.沙球(一种打击乐器),女人的奶子; 变形 复数:maracas 英英释义 maraca[ m'r:k ]n.a percussion instrument consisti...
详细解释come off释义成功;举行;表现;能被去掉(或除去)英英释义 come off v.come to be detached同义词:detachcome awayhappen in ...
详细解释blowfishn.河豚,黄麻鲈; 变形 复数:blowfishblowfishes 英英释义 blowfish[ 'blufi ]n.delicacy that is highly dangerous be...
详细解释limerickn.五行打油诗(一种通俗幽默短诗,有五行组成,韵式为aabba); 变形 复数:limericks 英英释义 limerick[ 'limrik ]n.p...
详细解释insolen.鞋内底,鞋垫; 变形 复数:insoles 英英释义 insole[ 'insul ]n.the inner sole of a shoe or boot where the foot res...
详细解释zilchn.微不足道的事物(或人);小人物;无;零英英释义 zilch[ zilt ]n.a quantity of no importance"I didn't hear zilch abo...
详细解释dung beetlen.金龟子科,甲虫,蜣螂;英英释义 dung beetle n.any of numerous beetles that roll balls of dung on which they ...
详细解释crullern.油煎饼的一种;炸纽绞;英英释义 cruller[ 'krl ]n.small friedcake formed into twisted strips and fried; richer th...
详细解释unjustifiedadj.不公正的,无正当理由的;未对齐的;英英释义 unjustified[ n'dstifaid ]adj.lacking justification or authoriz...
详细解释fortunatelyadv.幸运地; 双语释义adv.(副词)幸运地; 幸亏 by good luck; luckily 英英释义 fortunately[ 'fitnitli ] goo...
详细解释fruit flyn.果蝇(幼虫在植物组织中的孵化); 变形 复数:fruit flies 英英释义 fruit fly n.any of numerous small insects wh...
详细解释moldingn.成型;制模;铸造;[建]凹凸形英英释义 molding[ 'muldi ]n.the act of creating something by casting it in a mold同...
详细解释low-budgetadj.适合低预算的;根据低预算制定的;英英释义 low-budgetadj.made on or suited to a limited budget"a low-budget ...