共 61 个单词
Friends-老友记-第四季相关的的单词有【slam the door】【ramble on】【igneous rock】【spokesmodel】【straight a】【coverall】【entertainment center】【boy scout】【dried-up】【over the line】【bubble wrap】【my treat】【wedgie】【van gogh】【over the top】【minty】【sambuca】【vulcanize】【unclog】【wine cellar】【erogenous zone】【flirt with】【tamer】【bitchen】【erotica】【toughie】【filet mignon】【menstruate】【loose cannon】【flip out】【tonsils】【pizza hut】【spandex】【fair and square】【suck up to】【billfold】【pantsuit】【trench coat】【bend over】【Valentine's Day】等。
ramble on释义继续漫步地;英英释义 ramble on v.continue talking or writing in a desultory manner同义词:ramblejog
详细解释igneous rock释义火成岩;英英释义 igneous rock n.rock formed by the solidification of molten magma
详细解释coveralladj.包罗万象的,无所不包的;罩衣;英英释义 coverall[ 'kvr:l ]n.a loose-fitting protective garment that is worn o...
详细解释entertainment center释义娱乐中心;英英释义 entertainment center n.a wall unit containing sound and television systems
详细解释boy scoutn.童子军,过于理想而不切实际者,单纯的政治家;英英释义 boy scout n.a boy who is a member of the Boy Scoutsa man...
详细解释dried-upadj.枯萎的,干缩的;英英释义 dried-up[ draidp ]adj.(used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture"drie...
详细解释bubble wrap释义气泡膜包装;泡塑包装; 气泡垫;英英释义 Bubble WrapBubble Wrap (originally Air Cap) is a trademarked bran...
详细解释van goghn.梵高(荷兰画家,1853-1890,著名作品有等);英英释义 van gogh n.Dutch Post-impressionist painter noted for his ...
详细解释over the top释义过火的, 不得当的;英英释义 over the top adj.far more than usual or expected同义词:extraordinaryover-th...
详细解释sambucan.萨姆布卡酒,意大利茴香酒;英英释义 sambuca[ sa:m'buk ] Italian liqueur made with elderberries and flavored ...
详细解释vulcanizev.硫化,硬化,热补; 变形 过去式:vulcanized过去分词:vulcanized现在分词:vulcanizing第三人称单数:vulcanizes 英...
详细解释wine cellarn.酒之贮藏室,酒窖,一窖酒;藏酒窑;英英释义 wine cellar space where wines are stored同义词:cellar
详细解释erogenous zone释义性感区,性欲发生区;英英释义 erogenous zone n.any area of the body especially sensitive to sexual stim...
详细解释flirt with释义[法] 调戏,调情,卖俏;玩弄;嬲;英英释义 flirt with v.take into consideration, have in view同义词:entert...
详细解释tamern.驯服手;adj.驯服的( tame的比较级 );温顺的;沉闷的;乏味的英英释义 animal trainer who tames wild animal...
详细解释erotican.色情书籍,色情(艺术)作品;英英释义 erotica[ i'rtik ]n.creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) o...
详细解释toughien.流氓,恶棍,鲁莽的人; 变形 复数:toughies 英英释义 toughie[ 'tfi ] aggressive and violent young criminal同...
详细解释filet mignon释义包有猪肉或腌肉的牛肉卷;英英释义 filet mignon n.small steak cut from the thick end of a beef tenderloin
详细解释menstruatevi.行经,月经来潮;[生理]月经,月经期间; 变形 过去式:menstruated过去分词:menstruated现在分词:menstruating第...
详细解释loose cannon释义(不属于任何派别)我行我素的人,变得无法控制的人;英英释义 loose cannon n.a person who is expected to pe...
详细解释tonsilsn.扁桃体( tonsil的名词复数 );英英释义 tonsiln.either of two masses of lymphatic tissue one on each side of the o...
详细解释fair and square释义公正地;正中目标;公平合理;英英释义 fair and square adj.just and honest同义词:fair-and-square
详细解释billfoldn.皮夹子; 变形 复数:billfolds 英英释义 billfold[ 'bilfuld ]n.a pocket-size case for holding papers and paper m...
详细解释pantsuitn.长裤与衣相配成套的便服;英英释义 Pantsuit[[Hillary Clinton wearing a pantsuit as she is sworn in as Senator.]]...
详细解释trench coatn.军用防水短上衣; 变形 复数:trench coats 英英释义 trench coat n.a military style raincoat; belted with deep...
详细解释Valentine's Dayn.情人节(二月十四日);英英释义 Valentine's Day n.a day for the exchange of tokens of affection同义词:V...