共 142 个单词
GET词汇相关的的单词有【scramble for】【scientific community】【capital construction】【cardinal number】【car exhaust】【set upon】【set a standard】【settle down to】【cast a shadow】【cause a stir】【a vicious circle】【a telephone directory】【sink to】【pattern of】【slash-and-burn】【Chinese characters】【badly need】【acquaint oneself with】【take the oath】【take measure】【take a fancy to】【civilian casualties】【be clear of】【man proposes, god disposes】【be involved with】【be overcome with】【be intended for】【be due】【be oriented to】【be traced to】【read about】【faculty meeting】【fall within】【allied forces】【the order of nature】【reason for】【labor intensive】【analogous to】【in point】【in regards to】等。
scientific community释义科学界;英英释义 Scientific communityThe scientific community is a diverse network of interactin...
详细解释cardinal numbern.基数; 变形 复数:cardinal numbers 英英释义 cardinal number n.the number of elements in a mathematical ...
详细解释a vicious circlen.(疾病等的)恶性循环, [逻]循环论证;英英释义 A Vicious CircleA Vicious Circle (1996) is a novel by Am...
详细解释slash-and-burnadj.刀耕火种的;英英释义 Slash-and-burnSlash-and-burn is an agricultural technique which involves cutting ...
详细解释civilian casualties英英释义 Civilian casualtiesCivilian casualties is a military term describing civilian persons killed...
详细解释fall within释义应列入…范围内;英英释义 Fall WithinFall Within is a Kiwi metal core band composed of Brodie Te Anau Dohe...
详细解释allied forcesn.盟军,联军;英英释义 Allied ForcesAllied Forces are the military forces of an alliance.以上来源于:Wikiped...
详细解释labor intensive释义[财]劳动密集;英英释义 labor intensive adj.requiring a large expenditure of labor but not much capita...