共 145 个单词
schematizevt.把…图式化,将…列入计划;英英释义 schematize[ 'ski:mtaiz ]v.formulate in regular order; to reduce to a sch...
详细解释sedulityn. 勤奋 英英释义 sedulity[ si'dju:liti ]n.the quality of being constantly diligent and attentive同义词:sedulous...
详细解释pasteurizevt.用巴氏灭菌法对(牛奶等)消毒(灭菌); 变形 过去式:pasteurized过去分词:pasteurized现在分词:pasteurizing第...
详细解释tackiness释义粘着性;英英释义 tackiness[ 'tkinis ]n.the property of being cohesive and sticky同义词:cohesivenessglueyne...
详细解释pelfn.金钱,财物;英英释义 pelf[ pelf ]n.informal terms for money同义词:boodlebreadcabbageclamsdinerodoughgeltkalelettu...
详细解释philatelyn.集邮;英英释义 philately[ fi'ltli ]n.the collection and study of postage stamps同义词:stamp collectingstamp ...
详细解释batheticadj.平庸的,陈腐的,顿降的;英英释义 bathetic[ b'etik ]adj.effusively or insincerely emotional"a bathetic novel"...
详细解释debouchvi.走进开阔地;(河等)流出;英英释义 debouch[ di'baut ]v.march out (as from a defile) into open ground"The regim...
详细解释testinessn.易怒,暴躁;英英释义 testiness[ 'testinis ]n.feeling easily irritated同义词:touchinesstetchiness
详细解释defoliatorn.除叶剂,食叶的昆虫;英英释义 defoliator[ ,di:'fulieit ] insect that strips the leaves from plants
详细解释rarefactionn.变稀薄,稀薄;英英释义 rarefaction[ ,rri'fkn ]n.a decrease in the density of something"a sound wave causes ...
详细解释pithinessn.有力,简洁;髓化现象;英英释义 pithiness[ 'piinis ]n.terseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved b...
详细解释illuminatin.(自称)有睿智的人,先觉者,光照派;英英释义 IlluminatiIlluminati is an EP released in 2002 by Fatboy Slim.以...
详细解释faultfindern.找岔子,挑剔,吹毛求疵的人;英英释义 faultfinder[ 'f:ltfaind ]n.someone who is critical of the motives of o...
详细解释impermeabilityn.不能透过的性质,不渗透性;不透性;英英释义 impermeability[ im,p:mi'bilti ]n.the property of something th...
详细解释potationn.酒;喝;饮;酒类饮料英英释义 potation[ pu'tein ]n.a serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg同义词...
详细解释congruousadj.适合的,适当的;英英释义 congruous[ 'krus ]adj.corresponding in character or kind同义词:congruentsuitable ...
详细解释filingsn.锉屑; 变形 复数:filings 英英释义 filing[ 'failiz ]n.the entering of a legal document into the public recorda ...
详细解释garrulityn.饶舌;絮语;英英释义 garrulity[ 'ru:liti ]n.the quality of being wordy and talkative同义词:garrulousnessloqu...
详细解释gaucherien.笨拙;笨拙举动;英英释义 gaucherie[ 'uri: ]n.the quality of being rustic or gauche同义词:rusticitya socially...
详细解释gazetteern.地名索引,地名词典; 变形 复数:gazetteers 英英释义 gazetteer[ ,zi'ti ]n.a journalist who writes for a gazett...
详细解释antecedencen.先;先行;居先;逆行英英释义 antecedence[ ,nti'si:dns,-dnsi ]n.preceding in time同义词:priorityantecedency...
详细解释inadvertencen.不注意,怠慢,漫不经心;英英释义 inadvertence[ ,ind'v:tns ] unintentional omission resulting from fail...
详细解释inappreciableadj.微不足道的;英英释义 inappreciable[ ,in'pri:ibl ]adj.too small to make a significant difference"inappre...
详细解释incorrigibilityn.无法矫正;屡教不改;无可救药;难望矫正英英释义 IncorrigibilityIn philosophy, incorrigibility is a prope...
详细解释incandescencen.白热,炽热;白炽;英英释义 incandescence[ ,inkn'desns ]n.the phenomenon of light emission by a body as it...
详细解释preponderatevi.超过,胜过; 变形 过去式:preponderated过去分词:preponderated现在分词:preponderating第三人称单数:prepo...
详细解释empyrealadj.最高天的,太空的;英英释义 empyreal[ ,empai'ri,l, em'priril ]adj.of or relating to the sky or heavens同义词:...
详细解释indispensabilityn.不可缺少;英英释义 indispensability[ 'indis,pens'bilti ]n.the quality possessed by something that you ...
详细解释mnemonicsn.记忆术,记忆法;记忆的,记忆术的( mnemonic的名词复数 );助记术;英英释义 mnemonics[ ni:'mniks ]n.a method or ...
详细解释cosmopolitanismn.世界大同主义,四海一家;英英释义 CosmopolitanismCosmopolitanism is the ideology that all human ethnic g...
详细解释entrancingadj.使人神魂颠倒的,使人入神的;英英释义 entrancing[ in'tr:nsi,-trns- ]adj.capturing interest as if by a spell...