共 42 个单词
flagitiousadj.罪大恶极的,凶恶无耻的,穷凶极恶的;英英释义 flagitious[ fl'dis ]adj.shockingly brutal or cruel同义词:atr...
详细解释indefeasibleadj.难使无效的,不能废弃的;英英释义 indefeasible[ ,indi'fi:zbl ]adj.not liable to being annulled or voided ...
详细解释epiceneadj.通性的,两性特征的;n.阴阳人;英英释义 epicene[ 'episi:n ]adj.having an ambiguous sexual identity同义词:bise...
详细解释nonagen.青年时期;早期;未成熟;未成年英英释义 nonage[ 'nnid, 'nu- ]n.any age prior to the legal age同义词:minority
详细解释contretempsn.意外事故,不合适宜,令人尴尬的事; 变形 复数:contretemps 英英释义 contretemps[ kutr't ] awkward clash"...
详细解释emendationn.校订,修改;增删;英英释义 emendation[ ,i:men'dein ]n.a correction by emending; a correction resulting from ...
详细解释hieraticadj.僧侣的,僧侣用的;英英释义 hieratic[ ,hai'rtik ]n.a cursive form of Egyptian hieroglyphics; used especially ...
详细解释hispidadj.有硬毛的,多刚毛的;英英释义 hispid[ 'hispid ]adj.(of animals or plants) having stiff coarse hairs or bristles...
详细解释pettifoggern.讼棍,骗人的律师;英英释义 pettifogger[ 'peti,f, -f: ]n.a person (especially a lawyer or politician) who us...
详细解释nacreousadj.真珠质的,有光彩的;英英释义 nacreous[ 'neikris ]adj.consisting of or resembling mother-of-pearlhaving a pla...
详细解释divagatevi.漫游,漂泊游荡,离题;英英释义 divagate[ 'daiveit ]v.lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subj...
详细解释crotchetn.小钩;怪想;奇想;反复无常 变形 复数:crotchets 英英释义 crotchet[ 'krtit ]n.a sharp curve or crook; a shape r...
详细解释longanimityn.忍受,坚忍;英英释义 longanimity[ ,l'nimti, 'l:- ]n.good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence同义词:...
详细解释rodomontaden.大言不惭,吹牛;adj.自吹的,吹牛的,说大话;英英释义 rodomontade[ ,rdmn'teid ]n.vain and empty boasting同义...
详细解释sciamachyn.模拟战; 变形 复数:sciamachies 英英释义 SCIAMACHYSCIAMACHY, [[Nadir and Limb scanning.]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释susurrusn.低语声,沙沙声,喃喃低语声;英英释义 susurrus[ 'sju:srs, sju'srs, sju's:- ]n.the indistinct sound of people wh...
详细解释minatoryadj.威胁性的;英英释义 minatory[ 'mintri ]adj.threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments同义词:ba...
详细解释trituratevt.弄成粉;粉碎;磨碎;捣碎n.磨碎的东西; 变形 过去式:triturated过去分词:triturated现在分词:triturating第三人...
详细解释lucubrationn.挑灯攻读,钻研;文学作品;英英释义 lucubration[ ,lju:kju:'brein ]n.a solemn literary work that is the produ...
详细解释dishabillen.便服,便装,穿着随便的状况;英英释义 dishabille[ ,dis'bi:l ]n.the state of being carelessly or partially dre...
详细解释faineantn.无所事事者,懒惰者;adj.无所事事的,懒惰的;英英释义 faineant[ fenei' ]adj.disinclined to work or exertion"fai...
详细解释tergiversationn.推脱,背叛;含糊不清;英英释义 tergiversation[ ,t:div:'sein ]n.falsification by means of vague or ambigu...
详细解释objurgationn.叱责,非难;英英释义 objurgation[ ,bd:'ein ]n.rebuking a person harshly同义词:chidingscoldingtongue-lashin...
详细解释sciolistn.一知半解的人,假充内行的人;英英释义 sciolist[ 'sailist ] amateur who engages in an activity without serio...
详细解释lissomeadj.柔软的,敏捷的;英英释义 lissome[ 'lism ]adj.moving and bending with ease同义词:lissomlithelithesomeslenders...
详细解释aleatoryadj.侥幸的,偶然的;英英释义 aleatory[ 'eilitri ]adj.dependent on chance"the aleatory element in life"
详细解释apodicticadj.绝然的,明白的;英英释义 apodictic[ ,pu'diktik, ,pu'daik-tik ]adj.of a proposition; necessarily true or log...
详细解释hebdomadaladj.每七天的,七日的;英英释义 hebdomadal[ heb'dmdl ]adj.appearing or occurring every seven days"hebdomadal (o...
详细解释glabrousadj.无毛的,光洁的;英英释义 glabrous[ 'leibrs ]adj.having no hair or similar growth; smooth"glabrous stems"; "g...
详细解释cachinnatevi.大声笑,哄笑; 变形 过去式:cachinnated过去分词:cachinnated现在分词:cachinnating第三人称单数:cachinnates...
详细解释parvenun.暴富者;暴发户;新贵;傲慢自负的人 变形 复数:parvenus 英英释义 parvenu[ 'p:vnju ]n.a person who has suddenly r...