共 231 个单词
Hotel-Transylvania-怪物旅馆相关的的单词有【Murray】【pas】【Quasimodo】【whoopee】【sl】【les】【sniffy】【slipknot】【oy】【shar】【ye】【lied】【li】【perfecto】【see that】【til】【whee】【taj】【morn】【potpie】【th】【minibar】【undead】【needs】【touche】【Matthew】【taking】【refuel】【on schedule】【looking-glass】【sneaking】【swag】【johnny】【hunchback】【pouty】【mannequin】【werewolf】【townspeople】【ya】【tripping】等。
pasn.舞步,舞蹈;爸( pa的名词复数 ); 变形 复数:pas 英英释义 pasn.(ballet) a step in dancing (especially in classical b...
详细解释Quasimodon.复活节后的第一个星期天;英英释义 QuasimodoQuasimodo is a music venue in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin...
详细解释whoopeeint.表示兴奋激动的心情时的叫声;n.欢庆;喧闹;欢闹;狂欢英英释义 whoopee[ 'hwupi:, 'hwu:-, hwu'pi: ]n.noisy and b...
详细解释slabbr.Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂;英英释义 sln.a terrorist group formed in Peru in the late 1960s as a splinter group from t...
详细解释sniffyadj.嗤之以鼻的,自命不凡的;英英释义 sniffy[ 'snifi ]adj.having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of ...
详细解释slipknotn.活结;英英释义 slipknot[ 'slipnt ]n.a knot at the end of a cord or rope that can slip along the cord or rope a...
详细解释oyint.表示“厌烦”,“失望”,“痛苦”;英英释义 OyOy is the third studio album by the Iranian singer-songwriter Mohsen ...
详细解释yen.Yemen 也门;pron.你们;art.the的古式;英英释义 YeYe (IPA: ) was the second-person, plural, personal pronoun (nominat...
详细解释liabbr.Liechtenstein 列支敦士登;英英释义 li[ li: ]n.a soft silver-white univalent element of the alkali metal group; th...
详细解释tiln.胡麻;英英释义 TilTil is a novel written by the Brazilian writer Jos de Alencar. It was first published in 1872.以上...
详细解释mornn.黎明,清晨; 变形 复数:morns 英英释义 morn[ m:n ]n.the time period between dawn and noon"I spent the morning runn...
详细解释potpien.肉馅饼,肉炖面团;英英释义 potpie[ 'ptpai ]n.deep-dish meat and vegetable pie or a meat stew with dumplings
详细解释thabbr.Thailand 泰国;英英释义 thn.the fifth day of the week; the fourth working day同义词:Thursdaya soft silvery-white...
详细解释minibarn.小型条信号(发生器); 变形 复数:minibars 英英释义 minibar[ 'minib: ]n.sideboard with compartments for holding...
详细解释undeadn.亡灵,不死的人,活死人;英英释义 UndeadUndead is the ninth studio album by American death metal band Six Feet Un...
详细解释looking-glassn.镜子;英英释义 looking-glass[ 'lukil:s, -ls ]n.a mirror; usually a ladies' dressing mirror同义词:looking...
详细解释swagn.摇晃;水潭;赃物;珍贵物vi.摇晃,垂下; 变形 复数:swags 英英释义 swag[ sw ]n.valuable goodsgoods or money obtaine...
详细解释hunchbackn.驼背,驼背者; 变形 复数:hunchbacks 英英释义 hunchback[ 'hntbk ] abnormal backward curve to the vertebra...
详细解释mannequinn.时装模特儿;人体模型; 变形 复数:mannequins 英英释义 mannequin[ 'mnikin ]n.a woman who wears clothes to disp...
详细解释werewolfn.(故事中)变成狼的人,狼人; 变形 复数:werewolves 英英释义 werewolf[ 'wiwulf, 'w-, 'w: ]n.a monster able to c...
详细解释townspeoplen.市民,镇民,城里人;市井之流;英英释义 townspeople[ 'taunz,pi:pl ]n.the people living in a municipality sma...
详细解释yaabbr.yarn 线;yaw axis 偏航轴;young adults 青壮年;英英释义 Yais one of syllable in Javanese script that represent th...