共 69 个单词
International-Transaction-Words跨境交易常用词汇相关的的单词有【wire transfer】【financial institution】【letter of credit】【For your reference】【risk capital】【make-to-order】【corporation tax】【customise】【gross yield】【SWIFT CODE】【drive license】【return on investment】【trade surplus】【in the black】【cooperate with】【expense account】【gross margin】【off-season】【hire purchase】【master production schedule】【brand loyalty】【plant capacity】【TT】【tax-deductible】【trading profit】【down market】【account executive】【time limit】【break even】【bank account】【out of stock】【step into】【language barrier】【specialize in】【balance of trade】【communicate with】【credit control】【overheads】【credit limit】【delivery cycle】等。
wire transfer释义电汇;英英释义 Wire transferWire transfer or credit transfer is a method of electronic funds transfer f...
详细解释financial institution释义金融机构;英英释义 Financial institutionIn financial economics, a financial institution is an i...
详细解释letter of creditn.(银行发行的)信用证; 变形 复数:letters of credit 英英释义 letter of credit n.a document issued by a...
详细解释risk capitaln.风险资本(指为投机性商业投资提供的资金);英英释义 risk capital n.wealth available for investment in new o...
详细解释customisevt.定制,定做;英英释义 customise[ 'kstmaiz ]v.make to specifications同义词:custom-makecustomizetailor-makemak...
详细解释return on investment释义投资报酬率,投资收益率;英英释义 return on investment n.(corporate finance) the amount, expresse...
详细解释expense accountn.报销单; 变形 复数:expense accounts 英英释义 expense account account to which salespersons or exe...
详细解释gross margin释义总利润,(销货)毛利;英英释义 gross margin n.the ratio gross profits divided by net sales同义词:margin...
详细解释off-seasonn.淡季;adv.淡季的;英英释义 off-season[ 'f,si:zn, ':- ]n.the season when travel is least active and rates are...
详细解释hire purchasen.分期付款购买(缩写为: HP);租购;英英释义 hire purchase n.installment plan同义词:hire-purchasenever-ne...
详细解释master production schedule英英释义 Master production scheduleA master production schedule (MPS) is a plan for individual...
详细解释brand loyalty释义品牌忠诚度;英英释义 Brand loyaltyBrand loyalty is where a person buys products from the same manufactu...
详细解释TTabbr.Trinidad &Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥;英英释义 TTn.(astronomy) a measure of time defined by Earth's orbital motion; ...
详细解释down market释义价廉质次的,低档市场的;英英释义 down market adj.designed for low-income consumers同义词:downmarket
详细解释account executive释义(广告或服务业的)业务经理,业务员;英英释义 account executive n.someone in charge of a client's ac...
详细解释time limitn.期限,限期; 变形 复数:time limits 英英释义 time limit n.a time period within which something must be done ...
详细解释break even释义不盈不亏;够本;保本;得失相当英英释义 break even v.make neither profit nor lossattain a level at which th...
详细解释bank accountn.银行存款;银行往来账; 变形 复数:bank accounts 英英释义 bank account n.a fund that a customer has entrust...
详细解释out of stock释义(商店等中)无现货的;英英释义 out of stock [ autv'stk ]adj.not available for sale or use
详细解释language barriern.语言障碍;英英释义 language barrier n.barrier to communication resulting from speaking different langu...
详细解释balance of trade释义贸易差额,国际贸易平衡; 变形 复数:balances of trade 英英释义 balance of trade n.the difference in ...
详细解释credit control释义信贷控制,信用管制;英英释义 Credit ControlCredit Control is an important tool used by Reserve Bank of...
详细解释overheadsn.(企业等的)日常管理费用;杂项开支;一般经费(overhead的复数);英英释义 overhead[ 'uvhedz ]n.the expense of ma...
详细解释credit limit释义信贷限额;英英释义 Credit limitA credit limit is the maximum amount of credit that a financial instituti...