共 1155 个单词
O水准化学ALL-ABOUT-CHEMISTRY-OLEVEL教材部份相关的的单词有【kilojoule】【hydrochloric】【nitrogen dioxide】【silica gel】【electroplating】【Kyoto Protocol】【PVC】【fused】【limiting】【volta】【pH】【flow chart】【xenon】【naphtha】【bohr】【iodized salt】【with the aid of】【tungsten】【hydride】【scandium】【enthalpy】【nucleon】【rubidium】【beryllium】【oyster sauce】【gallium】【nonmetal】【intermolecular】【covalent】【valence electron】【germanium】【alkene】【ionisation】【voltmeter】【fuel cell】【absolute zero】【Teflon】【ammonium】【naked eye】【vanadium】等。
nitrogen dioxide释义二氧化氮;英英释义 nitrogen dioxide n.a highly poisonous brown gas (NO2)
详细解释electroplatingn.电镀,电镀术;v.电镀( electroplate的现在分词 );英英释义 electroplate[ i'lektru,pleiti ]n.any artifact t...
详细解释Kyoto Protocol释义京都议定书;英英释义 Kyoto ProtocolKyoto Protocol commonly refers to:以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释PVCabbr.polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯;英英释义 PVC[ ,pi:vi:'si: ]n.a polymer of vinyl chloride used instead of rubber in ...
详细解释fusedadj.装有保险丝的;英英释义 fused[ fju:zd ]adj.joined together into a whole同义词:amalgamateamalgamatedcoalescedcon...
详细解释limitingadj.限制的;英英释义 limiting[ 'limiti ]n.the grammatical relation that exists when a word qualifies the meaning...
详细解释voltan.回,次; 变形 复数:volte 英英释义 volta[ 'vlt ]n.Italian physicist after whom the volt is named; studied electri...
详细解释pHabbr.酸碱度符号;(=public health)公共卫生;英英释义 pH[ ,pi: 'eit ]n.(from potential of Hydrogen) the logarithm of the...
详细解释flow chartn.流程图,作业图,生产过程图解; 变形 复数:flow charts 英英释义 flow chart n.a diagram of the sequence of ope...
详细解释xenonn.氙;英英释义 xenon[ 'zenn, 'zi:- ]n.a colorless odorless inert gaseous element occurring in the earth's atmospher...
详细解释naphthan.石脑油(一种石油馏分);轻油;粗汽油;英英释义 naphtha[ 'nf, 'np- ]n.any of various volatile flammable liquid h...
详细解释bohrn.波尔;英英释义 bohr[ b: ]n.Danish physicist who studied atomic structure and radiations; the Bohr theory of the at...
详细解释tungstenn.钨;英英释义 tungsten[ 'tstn ]n.a heavy grey-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrica...
详细解释hydriden.氢化物;英英释义 hydride[ 'haidraid ]n.any binary compound formed by the union of hydrogen and other elements
详细解释scandiumn.钪(金属元素之一,符号为Sc,原子序为21);英英释义 scandium[ 'skndim ]n.a white trivalent metallic element; som...
详细解释enthalpyn.[热]焓;[物]热函;热含量;英英释义 enthalpy[ en'lpi ]n.(thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity equal to the ...
详细解释nucleonn.核子;英英释义 nucleon[ 'nju:klin ]n.a constituent (proton or neutron) of an atomic nucleus
详细解释rubidiumn.铷;英英释义 rubidium[ ru:'bidim ]n.a soft silvery metallic element of the alkali metal group; burns in air an...
详细解释berylliumn.铍(元素符号Be);英英释义 beryllium[ be'rilim ]n.a light strong brittle grey toxic bivalent metallic element...
详细解释oyster sauce释义蚝油;英英释义 Oyster sauceOyster sauce describes a number of sauces made by cooking oysters. The most c...
详细解释galliumn.镓;英英释义 gallium[ 'lim ]n.a rare silvery (usually trivalent) metallic element; brittle at low temperatures ...
详细解释nonmetaln.非金属(元素);英英释义 nonmetal[ 'nn,metl, nn'metl ]n.a chemical element lacking typical metallic properties...
详细解释intermolecularadj.分子间的,存在(或作用)于分子间的;英英释义 intermolecular[ 'intmu'lekjul ]adj.existing or acting bet...
详细解释covalentadj.共有原子价的,共价的;英英释义 covalent[ ku'veilnt ]adj.of or relating to or characterized by covalence"cova...
详细解释valence electron释义价电子,传导电子;英英释义 valence electron n.an electron in the outer shell of an atom which can co...
详细解释germaniumn.锗;英英释义 germanium[ d:'meinim ]n.a brittle grey crystalline element that is a semiconducting metalloid (r...
详细解释alkenen.烯烃,链烯;英英释义 alkene[ 'lki:n ]n.any unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon同义词:olefineolefin
详细解释ionisationn.离子化,电离;英英释义 ionisation[ ,ainai'zein, -ni'z- ]n.the condition of being dissociated into ions (as b...
详细解释voltmetern.伏特计;电压表;英英释义 voltmeter[ 'vult,mi:t ]n.meter that measures the potential difference between two po...
详细解释fuel celln.燃料电池;英英释义 fuel cell n.cell that produces electricity by oxidation of fuel (hydrogen and oxygen or zi...
详细解释absolute zeron.绝对零度(约为-273.15度);英英释义 absolute zero n.(cryogenics) the lowest temperature theoretically att...
详细解释Teflonn.杜邦公司使用在氟聚合物产品上的注册商标;英英释义 Teflon[ 'tefln ]n.a material used to coat cooking utensils and ...
详细解释ammoniumn.铵;英英释义 ammonium[ 'munjm ]n.the ion NH4 derived from ammonia; behaves in many respects like an alkali met...
详细解释naked eyen.肉眼;英英释义 naked eye n.the eye unaided by any optical instrument that alters the power of vision or alter...