共 1155 个单词
O水准化学ALL-ABOUT-CHEMISTRY-OLEVEL教材部份相关的的单词有【eye catching】【By then】【as before】【by volume】【link to】【redden】【budapest】【far too】【light bulb】【wipe off】【pitcher plant】【odourless】【CFC】【nuclear reactor】【citric acid】【galactose】【effervescent】【argon】【homologous】【wrapping】【aqueous】【charged】【titration】【compressed】【melting point】【organise】【hydroxyl】【visualise】【steeper】【silver nitrate】【graduated】【fructose】【alkane】【carbon dating】【cyanide】【acidity】【Einstein】【cubic metre】【vaporise】【rearrange】等。
eye catching英英释义 eye catching adj.seizing the attention同义词:attention-gettingeye-catching
详细解释budapestn.布达佩斯(匈牙利首都);英英释义 budapest[ 'bju:dpest ]n.capital and largest city of Hungary; located on the D...
详细解释light bulbn.灯泡; 变形 复数:light bulbs 英英释义 light bulb n.electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent...
详细解释wipe off释义揩去,擦掉;勾销(债务);擦去;揾英英释义 wipe off [ 'waipf ]v.remove by wiping同义词:wipe awayremove by o...
详细解释pitcher plantn.猪笼草,捕虫草;英英释义 pitcher plant n.any of several insectivorous herbs of the order Sarraceniales
详细解释odourlessadj.没有气味的,无臭的;英英释义 odourless[ 'udlis ]adj.having no odor同义词:odorlessinodorous
详细解释CFCabbr.氟氯碳(chlorofluoro carbon); 变形 复数:CFCs 英英释义 CFC[ ,si: ef 'si: ]n.a fluorocarbon with chlorine; former...
详细解释nuclear reactorn.核反应堆; 变形 复数:nuclear reactors 英英释义 nuclear reactor n.(physics) any of several kinds of app...
详细解释citric acidn.柠檬酸;枸橼酸;英英释义 citric acid n.a weak water-soluble acid found in many fruits (especially citrus fr...
详细解释galactosen.半乳糖;英英释义 galactose[ 'lktus ]n.a simple sugar found in lactose同义词:brain sugar
详细解释effervescentadj.冒泡的,兴奋的;英英释义 effervescent[ ,ef'vesnt ]adj.used of wines and waters; charged naturally or art...
详细解释argonn.氩;英英释义 argon[ ':n ]n.a colorless and odorless inert gas; one of the six inert gases; comprises approximatel...
详细解释homologousadj.相应的;类似的;一致的;同源的英英释义 homologous[ h'mls ]adj.having the same evolutionary origin but serv...
详细解释wrappingn.包装材料;包装纸;v.包,裹住(wrap的现在分词);adj.包装用的; 变形 复数:wrappings 英英释义 wrapping[ 'rpi ]n.t...
详细解释aqueousadj.水的,水成的;英英释义 aqueous[ 'eikwis ]adj.similar to or containing or dissolved in water"aqueous solutions...
详细解释chargedadj.充满感情的;紧张的,可能引起激烈反应的;v.填充;英英释义 charged[ t:dd ]adj.of a particle or body or system; ...
详细解释titrationn.滴定;英英释义 titration[ tai'trein, ti- ]n.a measured amount of a solution of unknown concentration is added...
详细解释compressedadj.压缩的;扁长形的;v.压紧,压缩( compress的过去式和过去分词 );精简;英英释义 compressed[ km'prest ]adj.pre...
详细解释melting pointn.熔点; 变形 复数:melting points 英英释义 melting point n.the temperature below which a liquid turns into...
详细解释organisevt.& vi.组织;筹备 ;安排;英英释义 organise[ ':naiz ]v.bring order and organization to同义词:organizecoordinat...
详细解释hydroxyln.羟(基)氢氧基;羟基;英英释义 hydroxyl[ hai'drksil ]n.the monovalent group -OH in such compounds as bases and...
详细解释visualisevt.& vi.使可见;使具体化;设想;想象vi.显现;英英释义 visualise[ 'vizjulaiz ]v.view the outline of by means of ...
详细解释silver nitraten.硝酸银;英英释义 silver nitrate n.a nitrate used in making photographic emulsions; also used in medicine...
详细解释fructosen.果糖;英英释义 fructose[ 'frktus ]n.a simple sugar found in honey and in many ripe fruits同义词:fruit sugarle...
详细解释alkanen.链烷,烷烃;英英释义 alkane[ 'lkein ]n.a series of non-aromatic saturated hydrocarbons with the general formula ...
详细解释carbon datingn.碳定年;英英释义 carbon dating n.a chemical analysis used to determine the age of organic materials based...
详细解释acidityn.酸性;酸性;胃酸过多;(言词等的)类刻英英释义 acidity[ 'sidti ]n.the property of being acidic同义词:sournesss...
详细解释Einsteinn.爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein);英英释义 Einstein[ 'ainstain ]n.physicist born in Germany who formulated the specia...
详细解释cubic metre释义立方米;英英释义 cubic metre n.a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 1000 liters同义词:kiloliterk...
详细解释vaporisevt.使蒸发;vi.说大话,自吹自擂;英英释义 vaporise[ 'veipraiz ]v.cause to change into a vapor同义词:evaporatecha...