共 34 个单词
Peppa-pig-Season-2相关的的单词有【babi】【delphine】【hant】【haut】【nature trail】【sweety】【bonjour】【birdseed】【made up】【playgroup】【power cut】【hands up】【long time ago】【A traffic jam】【jack-in-a-box】【go forward】【full steam ahead】【climb down】【fusspot】【good sense】【splice the main brace】【it doesn't matter】【rubberstamp】【jumble sale】【straight ahead】【all day】【the north star】【stand back】【stuck in】【hop on】【big dipper】【book shop】【run on】【sound like】等。
hautadj.高级的,豪华的,上流社会的;英英释义 HautHaut was a newspaper published in Luxembourg between 1981 and 1983.以上...
详细解释sweetyn.糖果,甜点;英英释义 SweetySweety (スウィーティー) is a group of female Japanese idols. The trio was formed when...
详细解释bonjour释义早上好;你好;英英释义 Bonjour"Rachid Taha sort "Bonjour"le 26 octobre". Metro.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释birdseedn.(尤指喂笼中鸟的)鸟食;鸟粮;英英释义 birdseed[ 'b:dsi:d ] given to birds; usually mixed seeds同义词:b...
详细解释made up英英释义 made up adj.formed or conceived by the imagination同义词:fabricatedfanciedfictionalfictitiousinventedma...
详细解释playgroupn.幼儿园; 变形 复数:playgroups 英英释义 PlaygroupPlaygroup is a British dance act. Basically the project of m...
详细解释go forward释义前进;发生;被提出;英英释义 go forward v.move ahead; travel onward in time or space同义词:proceedcontinu...
详细解释climb down释义下来;爬下来;让步;屈服英英释义 climb down [ 'klaimdaun ]n.a retraction of a previously held position同义...
详细解释fusspotn.老是大惊小怪的人;英英释义 fusspot[ 'fs,pt ]n.thinks about unfortunate things that might happen同义词:worrierf...
详细解释good sensen.判断力强;英英释义 good sense n.sound practical judgment同义词:common sensegumptionhorse sensesensemother w...
详细解释it doesn't matter释义没关系;没什么;英英释义 It Doesn't Matter"It Doesn't Matter"is the fourth single to be released fr...
详细解释rubberstamprubberstampv.stamp with a rubber stamp, usually an indication of official approval on a document同义词:hands...
详细解释jumble salen.(义卖时的)杂物拍卖; 变形 复数:jumble sales 英英释义 jumble sale n.a sale of donated articles同义词:rum...
详细解释straight ahead英英释义 Straight AheadStraight Ahead is a live album by drummer Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers record...
详细解释all dayadv.整天;一天到晚;英英释义 All Day"All Day"is a song by Australian recording artist Cody Simpson. The song was ...
详细解释stand back释义靠后站,避开;英英释义 stand back v.stay clear of, avoid同义词:keep one's eyes offkeep one's distancekeep...
详细解释hop on释义在…跳;英英释义 hop on v.get on the back of同义词:mountmount upget onjump onclimb onbestride
详细解释big dipper释义北斗七星; 变形 复数:big dippers 英英释义 big dipper n.a group of seven bright stars in the constellation...
详细解释book shop释义书店;英英释义 book shop n.a shop where books are sold同义词:bookshopbookstorebookstall
详细解释run on释义继续;不停地讲, 滔滔不绝;英英释义 run on or narrate at lengthcontinue uninterrupted同义词:keep going...