共 15 个单词
computableadj.可计算的;英英释义 computable[ km'pju:tbl ]adj.may be computed or estimated"computable odds"同义词:estima...
详细解释pseudocode释义伪代码;英英释义 PseudocodePseudocode is an informal high-level description of the operating principle of ...
详细解释repeatableadj.可重复的,(实验、实验结果等)可复验的;英英释义 repeatable[ ri'pi:tbl ] or fit to be repeated or ...
详细解释asymptoticadj.渐近线的,渐近的;英英释义 asymptotic[ ,simp'ttik,-kl ]adj.relating to or of the nature of an asymptote"an...
详细解释polymorphicadj.多形的,多态的,多形态的;多晶形;英英释义 polymorphic[ ,pli'm:fik ]adj.relating to the crystallization o...
详细解释tuplen.元组,数组;英英释义 TupleIn mathematics, computer science, linguistics, and philosophy, a tuple is an ordered li...
详细解释exponentiationn.求幂;取幂;英英释义 exponentiation[ 'ekspu,neni'ein ]n.the process of raising a quantity to some assign...
详细解释concatenatevt.把 (一系列事件、事情等)联系起来;adj.连接的,联系在一起的; 变形 过去式:concatenated过去分词:concatena...
详细解释initializationn.设定初值,初始化;英英释义 initialization[ i,nilai'zein, -li'z- ]n.(computer science) the format of sect...
详细解释GUIn.图形用户界面;英英释义 GUI[ 'u:i: ]n.a user interface based on graphics (icons and pictures and menus) instead of t...
详细解释unaryadj.一元的;英英释义 unary[ 'ju:nri ]adj.consisting of or involving a single element or component"in a unary operat...
详细解释aliasingn.混淆现象;英英释义 AliasingIn computing, aliasing describes a situation in which a data location in memory can...
详细解释indirectionn.间接;英英释义 indirection[ ,indi'rekn, -dai- ]n.indirect procedure or action"he tried to find out by indir...