共 1186 个单词
adulterern.奸夫,通奸者; 变形 复数:adulterers 英英释义 adulterer[ 'dltr ]n.someone who commits adultery or fornication...
详细解释allsortsn.什锦糖,混合物;英英释义 AllsortsAllsorts (later renamed Gigglish Allsorts) is British children's television s...
详细解释pollenn.花粉;[虫]粉面;vt.传授花粉给;用花粉掩盖; 变形 复数:pollens 英英释义 pollen[ 'plin ]n.the fine spores that co...
详细解释aneurismn.动脉瘤;英英释义 aneurism[ 'njurizm ]n.a cardiovascular disease characterized by a saclike widening of an arte...
详细解释stargazern.占星师,空想家,天文学家;英英释义 stargazer[ 'st:eiz ]n.someone indifferent to the busy world同义词:lotus-e...
详细解释fingeredadj.有指的,指状的;英英释义 fingered[ 'fid ]adj.having or resembling a finger or fingers; often used in combina...
详细解释legworkn.外出搜集情况的工作(如新闻采访、案件调查等);英英释义 LegworkLegwork, in law enforcement slang, is the work ne...
详细解释intendingadj.预计中的,未来的;v.意欲( intend的现在分词 );打算;打算使;意指英英释义 intend[ in'tendi ]v.have in mind a...
详细解释houseboyn.男仆; 变形 复数:houseboys 英英释义 HouseboyHouseboy is a novel in the form of a diary written by Ferdinand O...
详细解释roadworksn.道路施工;英英释义 RoadworkRoadwork is a live album by vocalist/keyboardist/saxophonist Edgar Winter and his ...
详细解释croakyadj.哇哇叫的;英英释义 croaky[ 'kruki ] the sounds of frogs and crows同义词:croakingguttural
详细解释northumberland释义诺森伯兰郡(英国英格兰郡名);英英释义 northumberland[ n:'mblnd ]n.the northernmost county of England;...
详细解释escapologyn.脱逃术;英英释义 escapology[ ,eskei'pldi ]n.the study of methods of escaping (especially as a form of entert...
详细解释breadboardn.擀面板,案板,电路试验板; 变形 复数:breadboards 英英释义 breadboard[ 'bredb:d ]n.a wooden or plastic board...
详细解释narrowsn.海峡,江峡;v.(使)变窄( narrow的第三人称单数 );英英释义 narrow[ 'nruz ]n.a narrow strait connecting two bodi...
详细解释cakedadj.沾满(厚厚的)…的; 双语释义n.(名词)[U][C]糕,糕饼 sweet food that you make from flour, eggs, sugar and butter ...
详细解释clostridiumn.梭菌,梭菌属; 变形 复数:clostridia 英英释义 clostridium[ kl'stridim ]n.spindle-shaped bacterial cell espe...
详细解释figuredadj.以图形和数字表示的,华丽的;英英释义 figured[ 'fid ]adj.(of e.g. fabric design) adorned with patterns"my dres...
详细解释taurineadj.像公牛的,金牛座的;英英释义 taurine[ 't:rain, -rin ]n.a colorless crystalline substance obtained from the bi...
详细解释botulinumn.肉毒(杆)菌;英英释义 botulinum[ ,btju'lains,-nm ]n.anaerobic bacterium producing botulin the toxin that cau...
详细解释minsk释义明斯克(白俄罗斯共和国首都);英英释义 minsk[ minsk ]n.the capital of Belarus and of the Commonwealth of Indepe...
详细解释Belarus释义白俄罗斯;英英释义 Belarusn.a landlocked republic in eastern Europe; formerly a European soviet同义词:Republ...