共 1186 个单词
Jupitern.木星;英英释义 Jupiter[ 'du:pit ]n.the largest planet and the 5th from the sun; has many satellites and is one ...
详细解释degradationn.堕落;潦倒;毁坏;恶化 变形 复数:degradations 英英释义 degradation[ ,der'dein ]n.changing to a lower state...
详细解释gadgetn.小玩意;小配件;小装置; 变形 复数:gadgets 英英释义 gadget[ 'dit ]n.a device or control that is very useful for...
详细解释assumptionn.假定,假设;承担;想当然;采取 变形 复数:assumptions 双语释义n.(名词)[C]假定,臆测 sth that is taken as a fa...
详细解释destinationn.目的,目标;目的地,终点;[罕用语]预定,指定; 变形 复数:destinations 双语释义n.(名词)[C]目的地,终点 a pla...
详细解释preciselyadv.精确地;恰好地;严谨地,严格地;一丝不苟地英英释义 precisely[ pri'saisli ]adv.indicating exactness or preci...
详细解释habituallyadv.习惯地,惯常地;素;素常;英英释义 habitually[ h'bitjuli ]adv.according to routine or established practice...
详细解释suspicionn.怀疑;嫌疑;疑心;〈口〉一点儿vt.怀疑; 变形 复数:suspicions 双语释义n.(名词)[U] 怀疑,嫌疑 suspecting or bei...
详细解释masterpiecen.杰作,名作;杰出的事; 变形 复数:masterpieces 双语释义n.(名词)[C]杰作,名作 task done with great skill, esp...
详细解释inspectionn.检查;检验;视察;检阅 变形 复数:inspections 英英释义 inspection[ in'spekn ]n.a formal or official examinat...
详细解释motivationn.动机;动力;诱因; 变形 复数:motivations 英英释义 motivation[ ,muti'vein ]n.the psychological feature that ...
详细解释bruisingadj.殊死的;十分激烈的;v.擦伤(bruise的现在分词形式);英英释义 bruising[ 'bru:zi ]adj.causing mental or emotiona...
详细解释appointmentn.约会;任命;职务;职位 变形 复数:appointments 双语释义n.(名词)[C]约会,约定 an arrangement for a meeting wi...
详细解释readershipn.(报纸杂志拥有者的)读者(数);读者;准教授职位; 变形 复数:readerships 英英释义 readershipn.the audience ...
详细解释investigatevt.调查;审查;研究;vi.作调查; 变形 过去式:investigated过去分词:investigated现在分词:investigating第三人...
详细解释hostagen.人质;抵押品; 变形 复数:hostages 双语释义n.(名词)[C]人质 a person who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so th...
详细解释distinctiveadj.有特色的,与众不同的;区别的,鉴别性的;独特;特异英英释义 distinctive[ dis'tiktiv ]adj.of a feature that...