共 173 个单词
Sherlock-Holmes-神探夏洛克-第三季相关的的单词有【Security Service】【paving slab】【Christie】【ballista】【dem】【piste】【beg of】【hair dye】【Dept】【in hope of】【in contact】【anti-terrorism】【in the act】【wade in】【leave a note】【bobble】【get involved in】【get tied up】【revenge on】【oodles】【unaware of】【undescended】【hot up】【human nature】【out of mind】【wiggy】【newlyweds】【bristly】【GP】【grat】【grateful for】【you know】【ring a bell】【Petri dish】【fuck off】【fetishist】【top-up】【arsehole】【poetical】【poppet】等。
Security Service释义国家安全机构;英英释义 Security Service n.the government agency in the United Kingdom that is respon...
详细解释ballistan.(古代用以发射石弹等的)抛石机,投石器;弩炮;英英释义 ballista[ b'list ]n.medieval artillery used during sieg...
详细解释pisten.滑雪道;(击剑术语)击剑比赛的场地; 变形 复数:pistes 英英释义 piste[ pi:st ]n.a flat rectangular area for fenci...
详细解释Dept释义(书写形式)部,部门,系;英英释义 DEPTDirected Enzyme Prodrug Therapy (DEPT) uses enzymes artificially introduc...
详细解释in contact英英释义 InContactinContact, Inc. (NASDAQ: SAAS) is a provider of on-demand contact center software.以上来源于...
详细解释oodlesn.许多;英英释义 oodles[ 'u:dlz ]n.a large number or amount同义词:tonsdozensheapslotsmountainpilesscoresstacksloa...
详细解释undescendedadj.未降到阴囊的(睾丸);英英释义 undescendedadj.(of the testis) remaining in the abdomen instead of descend...
详细解释hot up释义加热,热闹;英英释义 hot up v.gain heat or get hot同义词:heatheat upmake more intense同义词:heat upscrew upm...
详细解释human naturen.人性,人情;人之常情;英英释义 human nature n.the shared psychological attributes of humankind that are as...
详细解释newlywedsn.新婚夫妇;新婚的人( newlywed的名词复数 );英英释义 newlywedn.someone recently married同义词:honeymooner
详细解释bristlyadj.林立的;易怒的;(毛发)短而硬的;长满刚毛的英英释义 bristly[ 'brisli ]adj.very irritable"bristly exchanges b...
详细解释GPabbr.Gaseous Polymerization 气相聚合法;Games Played (比赛) 场次;general purpose通用的;general practitioner普通开业...
详细解释ring a bell释义听起来熟悉;(心里)有印象;英英释义 Ring a Bell"Ring a Bell"is Bonnie Pink's first digital single. The s...
详细解释fuck off释义走开,滚;滚开;英英释义 fuck off lazy or idle同义词:bumbum aroundbum aboutarse aroundarse aboutloaffr...
详细解释fetishistn.盲目崇拜者; 变形 复数:fetishists 英英释义 fetishist[ 'fi:tiist ] who engages in fetishism (especially ...
详细解释top-upn.添加的饮料;追加的贷款;adj.额外的,附加的;v.补充; 变形 复数:top-ups 英英释义 top-up[ 'tpp ] amount neede...
详细解释arseholen.蠢猪;肛门,屁眼; 变形 复数:arseholes 英英释义 arsehole[ 'a:shul ]n.excretory opening at the end of the alim...
详细解释poeticaladj.似诗人的;诗一般的;韵文的;富有诗意的英英释义 poetical[ pu'etikl ]adj.of or relating to poetry同义词:poeti...