共 16 个单词
engravern.雕刻师,雕工; 变形 复数:engravers 英英释义 engraver[ in'reiv ]n.a skilled worker who can inscribe designs or...
详细解释frying-pan释义[医]煎锅;英英释义 frying-pann.a pan used for frying foods同义词:frying panfrypanskillet
详细解释tell-tale释义液面高度指示牌;英英释义 tell-tale[ 'tel'teil ]n.someone who gossips indiscreetly同义词:tattletaletattlert...
详细解释filbertn.榛树,榛子;榛果;英英释义 filbert[ 'filb(:)t ]n.small nut-bearing tree much grown in Europe同义词:cobnutCoryl...
详细解释insensibilityn.没有知觉,不在乎,不关心;无感情;英英释义 insensibility[ in,sens'bilti ]n.a lack of sensibilitydevoid of...
详细解释enchantressn.妖妇,女巫; 变形 复数:enchantresses 英英释义 enchantress[ in't:ntris, en- ]n.a woman who is considered to...
详细解释sassafrasn.檫木(产于北美东部的一种樟科植物),此树的干燥根皮;檫树;英英释义 sassafras[ 'ssfrs ]n.yellowwood tree with ...
详细解释henceforwardadv.从今以后,自此以后;英英释义 henceforward[ 'hens'f:wd ]adv.from this time forth; from now on同义词:henc...
详细解释flambeaun.火把,有装饰的大烛台; 变形 复数:flambeaux 英英释义 flambeau[ 'flmbu ]n.a flaming torch (such as are used in ...
详细解释self-commandn.自制,克己;英英释义 self-command[ 'selfk'm:nd, -'mnd ]n.the trait of resolutely controlling your own beha...
详细解释unexampledadj.绝无仅有的,无先例的,空前的;英英释义 unexampled[ ,ni'z:mpld ]adj.having no previous example or precedent...
详细解释disenchantvt.使清醒,使不抱幻想;英英释义 disenchant[ ,disin't:nt, -'tnt ] from enchantment同义词:disillusion
详细解释viziern.(伊斯兰国家的)高官,大臣;英英释义 vizier[ vi'zi ]n.a high official in a Muslim government (especially in the ...
详细解释complaisancen.讨好,殷勤;英英释义 complaisance[ km'pleizns ]n.a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others同...