共 60 个单词
The-Economist-2011-09-24相关的的单词有【stimulus package】【pecking order】【go bust】【IOU】【just as well】【under the spotlight】【bustle around】【in train】【back yard】【above-average】【pay-as-you-go】【buy-out】【work around the clock】【Compliance Officer】【global capacity】【risk-averse】【bail-out】【phone directory】【pegged exchange rate】【in simple terms】【quantitative easing】【commit oneself】【head toward】【ruction】【UN General Assembly】【sideswipe】【send down】【right-to-work】【lock horns】【lay low】【share price】【rough justice】【banking sector】【sublimity】【fertility rate】【to no avail】【from top to toe】【pull out of】【capital punishment】【knuckle down】等。
pecking ordern.啄序,任何团体中的长幼强弱次序; 变形 复数:pecking orders 英英释义 pecking order n.the organization of p...
详细解释IOUn.借据,欠条; 变形 复数:IOUs 英英释义 IOU[ ,aiu'ju: ] informal debt instrument; representing `I owe you'
详细解释buy-outn. 全面收购,全部买下市场产品 英英释义 buy-out[ 'bai'aut ]n.acquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling ...
详细解释bail-outn.跳伞,以优先股发给股东作为红利的行为;英英释义 bail-out[ 'beil,aut ] on bail同义词:bail outremove (wate...
详细解释quantitative easing释义量化宽松;英英释义 Quantitative easingLearning the Lessons from QE and Other Unconventional Monet...
详细解释ructionn.吵闹,骚动; 变形 复数:ructions 英英释义 ruction[ 'rkn ]n.the act of making a noisy disturbance同义词:commoti...
详细解释sideswipev.擦边撞击;n.侧击;横击; 变形 复数:sideswipes过去式:sideswiped过去分词:sideswiped现在分词:sideswiping第三...
详细解释send down释义使下降;把…开除出学校,勒令…停学;发下;英英释义 send down v.suspend temporarily from college or universi...
详细解释right-to-workadj.工作权利的;保障就业权的,保障劳动权利的,享有工作权的;n.工作权利;英英释义 Right to workThe right to ...
详细解释share pricen.股价;股票价格;英英释义 Share priceA share price is the price of a single share of a number of saleable st...
详细解释rough justice释义简易判决;英英释义 Rough JusticeRough Justice was a BBC television series which investigated alleged mi...
详细解释sublimityn.崇高,庄严,气质高尚; 变形 复数:sublimities 英英释义 sublimity[ s'blimiti ]n.nobility in thought or feeling...
详细解释fertility raten.人口出生率,生育率;英英释义 fertility rate n.the ratio of live births in an area to the population of t...
详细解释capital punishment释义死刑;英英释义 capital punishment n.putting a condemned person to death同义词:executionexecutingd...
详细解释knuckle downv.(向某人)屈服;认输;开始认真工作;英英释义 knuckle down very hard, like a slave同义词:slavebreak...