共 341 个单词
The-Interview-刺杀金正恩相关的的单词有【peekaboo】【target】【picture】【icbm】【deniability】【megaton】【gayness】【off the air】【offscreen】【fire back】【producer】【dodge】【ricin】【jerk off】【broadcast】【pyongyang】【congrats】【concentration camp】【proctology】【duper】【psych up】【Nixon】【snake pit】【porno】【fugly】【boner】【showtime】【sit tight】【bro】【fuck off】【grammy】【defector】【barbeque】【aerodynamics】【ETA】【smooch】【hater】【blip】【boob】【guacamole】等。
peekaboon.躲躲猫(一种把脸一隐一现以逗小孩的游戏);英英释义 peekaboo[ 'pi:kbu ]n.a game played with young children; you...
详细解释icbmabbr.InterContinental Ballistic Missile 洲际弹道导弹;英英释义 icbm[ ,ai,si:bi:'em ]n.a ballistic missile that is ca...
详细解释megatonn.兆吨; 变形 复数:megatons 英英释义 megaton[ 'metn ]n.a measure of explosive power (of an atomic weapon) equal ...
详细解释gaynessn.欢乐,(尤指)同性恋; 双语释义adj.(形容词)快乐的,欢快的; 轻松的,愉快的 happy and full of fun; cheerful[A]轻率的...
详细解释fire back释义回火;英英释义 FirebackFireback is a Filipino low-budget action movie directed by Teddy Page (Teddy Chiu) a...
详细解释producern.生产者,制造者;制片人;煤气发生炉;自养有机体 变形 复数:producers 英英释义 producer[ pru'dju:s ]n.someone wh...
详细解释ricinn.篦麻毒素,篦麻蛋白;英英释义 ricin[ 'raisin, ri- ]n.a toxic protein extracted from castor beans; used as a chemic...
详细解释jerk offvi.行手淫;猛地甩掉;英英释义 jerk off n.terms of abuse for a masturbator同义词:tosserjerk-offwankerv.get sexua...
详细解释pyongyangn.平壤(朝鲜民主主义人民共和国首都);英英释义 pyongyang[ 'pjj: ] of North Korea and an industrial cen...
详细解释concentration campn.集中营; 变形 复数:concentration camps 英英释义 concentration camp n.a penal camp where political p...
详细解释proctologyn.直肠病学;英英释义 proctology[ prk'tldi ]n.the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment o...
详细解释snake pitn.疯人院,蛇窖;英英释义 snake pit n.any place of pain and turmoil同义词:hellhell on earthhellholethe pitsinfe...
详细解释pornon.pornographer [pornography] 色情书刊;英英释义 porno[ 'p:nu ]n.creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc...
详细解释bonern.(阴茎)勃起状态;愚蠢的错误,令人尴尬的错误;英英释义 boner[ 'bun ] embarrassing mistake同义词:blunderbloop...
详细解释showtimen.演出时间;节目播出时间;英英释义 showtime[ 'utaim ]n.the time at which something is supposed to begin同义词:b...
详细解释fuck off释义走开,滚;滚开;英英释义 fuck off lazy or idle同义词:bumbum aroundbum aboutarse aroundarse aboutloaffr...
详细解释defectorn.逃兵,背叛者; 变形 复数:defectors 英英释义 defector[ di'fekt ]n.a person who abandons their duty (as on a mi...
详细解释barbequevt. 在烤架上烤vi. 烤肉(等于barbecue)n. 烤肉野餐;炙烤用的铁架 英英释义 barbeque[ 'b:bkju: ]n.meat that has bee...
详细解释aerodynamicsn.空气动力学;空气动力学家;adj.空气动力(学)的;英英释义 aerodynamics[ ,rudai'nmiks ]n.the branch of mecha...
详细解释ETAabbr.Educational Television Association 教育电视协会;estimated time of arrival 估计到达时间;European Teachers Assoc...