共 232 个单词
Vocabulary-Power-workbook-Sec1相关的的单词有【scoff at】【see red】【paced】【short sight】【a horde of】【payslip】【six feet under】【skin and bone】【managed to】【Be green with envy】【demoralise】【the talk of the town】【fell down】【gallivant】【in an instant】【have money to burn】【conman】【in the pink】【board of director】【get right】【queenie】【not turn a hair】【Burst into song】【bullfighter】【write in】【bong】【walk down the aisle】【flaring】【enshroud】【in deep water】【on the loose】【move with the times】【sleep a wink】【decipherable】【bury the hatchet】【Blow hot and cold】【pull the plug】【rain or shine】【clear the air】【Do as you would be done by】等。
payslipn.工资单; 变形 复数:payslips 英英释义 payslip[ 'peislip ]n.a slip of paper included with your pay that records ...
详细解释six feet under释义死亡,入土了;英英释义 Six Feet UnderSix Feet Under is an American death metal band from Tampa, Florid...
详细解释demoralisevt.使士气低落,使意志消沉;英英释义 demoralise[ di'mrlalz ]v.corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality同...
详细解释the talk of the town释义[电影]小镇话语;英英释义 The Talk of the TownThe Talk of the Town is the first novel written by ...
详细解释gallivantvi.闲逛,与异性闲荡; 变形 过去式:gallivanted过去分词:gallivanted现在分词:gallivanting第三人称单数:gallivan...
详细解释in the pink释义身体极棒的,非常健康的;英英释义 In the PinkIn the Pink is the fourth album by singer-songwriter Donna Le...
详细解释queenie释义四角支索帆;英英释义 QueenieQueenie (1952 – May 31, 2011) was a captive female Asian elephant. She was noted...
详细解释bullfightern.斗牛士; 变形 复数:bullfighters 英英释义 bullfighter[ 'bul,fait ]n.someone who fights bulls同义词:toreado...
详细解释write in释义写信反映;将…插写进去;以书面提出;写入英英释义 write in n.a candidate for public office whose name does no...
详细解释bongn.(锣、大钟)发出的响声;v.发出当当声; 变形 复数:bongs 英英释义 bong[ b, b: ]n.a dull resonant sound as of a bell...
详细解释enshroudvt.掩盖,隐蔽; 变形 过去式:enshrouded过去分词:enshrouded现在分词:enshrouding第三人称单数:enshrouds 英英释义...
详细解释on the looseadv.散漫,放荡;英英释义 on the loose adj.having escaped, especially from confinement同义词:at large(p)esca...
详细解释decipherableadj.可翻译的,可判读的;英英释义 decipherable[ di'saifrbl ]adj.easily deciphered同义词:clearreadable
详细解释bury the hatchetv.和解,停战;休战,和解;英英释义 Bury the HatchetBury the Hatchet is a documentary film directed by Aa...
详细解释rain or shine释义无论如何,不论晴雨;英英释义 Rain or ShineRain or Shine is a 1930 all-talking pre-code film directed by...
详细解释clear the air释义尽释前嫌,消除隔阂;以正视听;英英释义 clear the air v.dispel differences or negative emotions