共 99 个单词
odiumn.憎恨,厌恶;英英释义 odium[ 'udim ]n.state of disgrace resulting from detestable behaviorhate coupled with disgus...
详细解释pontificaladj.教皇的;大祭司的;傲慢的;武断的英英释义 pontifical[ pn'tifikl ]n.the vestments and other insignia of a po...
详细解释roseateadj.玫瑰色的;红润的;容光焕发的;愉快的英英释义 roseate[ 'ruzit, -eit ]adj.of something having a dusty purplish ...
详细解释reprobationn.斥责;英英释义 reprobation[ ,repru'bein ]n.rejection by God; the state of being condemned to eternal misery...
详细解释rebusn.(以画代词语,尤其是名字的)画谜,组字画; 变形 复数:rebuses 英英释义 rebus[ 'ri:bs ]n.a puzzle where you decode...
详细解释hummockn.小丘,岗; 变形 复数:hummocks 英英释义 hummock[ 'hmk ]n.a small natural hill同义词:knollmoundhillockhammock
详细解释disapprobationn.不答应,非难,不赞成;英英释义 disapprobation[ dispru'bein ]n.an expression of strong disapproval; prono...
详细解释unfalteringadj.稳步的,坚决的,专心的;英英释义 unfaltering[ n'f:ltri ]adj.marked by firm determination or resolution; n...
详细解释lineamentn.面部轮廓;面貌;英英释义 lineament[ 'linimnt ]n.a characteristic property that defines the apparent individua...
详细解释dregsn.沉淀物,残渣,渣滓;糟;沉渣;英英释义 dregs[ dregz ]n.sediment that has settled at the bottom of a liquid同义词:...
详细解释pertabbr.Program Evaluation and Review Technic 计划评价与审查技术;adj.(穿戴)时髦的,得体的;英英释义 pert[ p:t ]adj.c...
详细解释provendern.(家畜的)干饲料;英英释义 provender[ 'prvind ]n.food for domestic livestock同义词:feeda stock or supply of ...
详细解释expostulationn.规劝,告诫;英英释义 expostulation[ ik,spstju'lein ]n.the act of expressing earnest opposition or protest...
详细解释appurtenancen.附件,附属物,从属权利; 变形 复数:appurtenances 英英释义 appurtenance[ 'p:tinns ]n.equipment consisting ...
详细解释effulgencen.光辉;英英释义 effulgence[ i'fldns ]n.the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light同义词:radia...
详细解释vestmentn.礼仪服装;(尤指牧师的)法衣;圣衣;祭服 变形 复数:vestments 英英释义 vestment[ 'vestmnt ]n.gown (especially ...
详细解释whorln.轮生体;螺纹;螺旋环;涡v.使成涡漩,盘旋,打转; 变形 复数:whorls 英英释义 whorl[ 'hw:l, hw:l ]n.a round shape f...
详细解释gestatev.孕育,创案; 变形 过去式:gestated过去分词:gestated现在分词:gestating第三人称单数:gestates 英英释义 gestate[...
详细解释hirelingn.雇员,专为金钱而工作者;adj.被雇用的; 变形 复数:hirelings 英英释义 hireling[ 'haili ]n.a person who works on...
详细解释dyspepticadj.消化不良的,胃弱的,患胃病的;n.消化不良的人;英英释义 dyspeptic[ dis'peptik,-kl ]n.a person suffering from...
详细解释pertinaciousadj.坚持的;固执的;难消除的;英英释义 pertinacious[ ,p:ti'neis ]adj.stubbornly unyielding"the most vocal an...
详细解释cozenvt.欺骗,骗取,诈骗;英英释义 cozen[ 'kzn ]v.be false to; be dishonest with同义词:deceivelead ondeludeact with art...
详细解释factiousadj.派系的;与派系相关的;好争论的;不合作的英英释义 factious[ 'fks ]adj.dissenting (especially dissenting with ...
详细解释perorationn.(演说等的)结束语,结论;夸夸其谈的演说; 变形 复数:perorations 英英释义 peroration[ ,per'rein ]n.a flower...
详细解释importunateadj.强求的,纠缠不休的;英英释义 importunateadj.expressing earnest entreaty"she holds out her hand for money,...
详细解释jocundadj.欢乐的,愉快的;英英释义 jocund[ 'dknd ]adj.full of or showing high-spirited merriment"a poet could not but be...
详细解释perspicuousadj.说话清楚的;明白易懂的;英英释义 perspicuous[ p'spikjus ]adj.(of language) transparently clear; easily un...
详细解释insensateadj.无感觉的;无生气的;无理性的;狂暴的英英释义 insensate[ in'senseit, -sit ]adj.devoid of feeling and conscio...
详细解释rakishadj.纵情酒色的;放荡的;潇洒的;不拘俗套的英英释义 rakish[ 'reiki ]adj.marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manne...
详细解释disquisitionn.专题论文,专题演讲; 变形 复数:disquisitions 英英释义 disquisition[ ,diskwi'zin ]n.an elaborate analytica...
详细解释unctionn.涂油礼;油膏;虚情假意;津津有味英英释义 unction[ 'kn ]n.excessive but superficial compliments given with affec...
详细解释striateadj.有条纹的,有细槽的;vt.加条纹;英英释义 striate[ 'straiit, -eit, 'straieit ]v.mark with striae or striationsa...