共 29 个单词
consonancen.一致;调和;协和音程;和音英英释义 consonance[ 'knsnns ]n.the repetition of consonants (or consonant pattern...
详细解释concordancen.和谐,一致性; 变形 复数:concordances 英英释义 concordance[ kn'k:dns ]n.a harmonious state of things in ge...
详细解释consiliencen.符合,一致;英英释义 ConsilienceConsilience is the principle that approaching the same problem by different...
详细解释congruencen.适合;一致;叠合;全等英英释义 congruence[ 'kruns ]n.the quality of agreeing; being suitable and appropriate...
详细解释uniformityn.均匀性;单调,无变化;同样,一样; 变形 复数:uniformities 英英释义 uniformity[ ,ju:ni'f:mti ]n.a condition ...
详细解释congruityn.适合,一致;全等; 变形 复数:congruities 英英释义 congruity[ k'ru:iti ]n.the quality of agreeing; being suit...
详细解释okeyadj.好,对,行;adv.好,对,可以;n.同意;英英释义 okey[ 'u'kei, ,u'kei, 'ukei ] endorsement同义词:O.K.OKokayok...
详细解释unificationn.统一,联合;一致; 变形 复数:unifications 英英释义 unification[ ,ju:nifi'kein ] occurrence that involv...
详细解释conformationn.构造;英英释义 conformationn.a symmetrical arrangement of the parts of a thingany spatial attributes (espe...
详细解释coherencen.一致性;相干性;凝聚;联接英英释义 coherence[ ku'hirns ]n.the state of cohering or sticking together同义词:c...
详细解释conformityn.符合;一致;遵从;依照 变形 复数:conformities 英英释义 conformity[ kn'f:miti ]n.correspondence in form or a...
详细解释concordn.和谐,一致,和睦; 变形 复数:concords 英英释义 concord[ 'kk:d, kn'k:d ] of the state of New Hampshire...
详细解释treatyn.条约;协议,协商;谈判; 变形 复数:treaties 双语释义n.(名词)[C]条约 an agreement made between countries[U]协议,...
详细解释coincidencen.巧合;一致;同时存在;并存 变形 复数:coincidences 双语释义n.(名词)[C][U]巧合 occurrence of similar events ...
详细解释correspondencen.一致,符合;对应;通信,信件;[艺]通感 变形 复数:correspondences 双语释义n.(名词)[U]信件,函件 the lette...
详细解释consensusn.一致;舆论;一致同意,合意; 变形 复数:consensuses 双语释义n.(名词)[S](意见等的)一致,一致同意 a general agre...