共 37 个单词
escape同义的单词有【sneak out of】【miche】【get out of the way】【turn aside】【dodge】【run from】【make oneself scarce】【cop out】【scarper】【slip off】【keep clear of】【stand aside】【stand off】【shy away】【lam】【desertion】【steer clear of】【scoot】【abjure】【elude】【eschew】【step aside】【stave off】【runaway】【obviate】【get away】【get out of】【shirk】【turn away】【delude】【ward off】【get around】【avert】【evade】【slink】【flee】【get away from】等。
michevt. 偷窃vi. 溜走;发牢骚n. (Miche)人名;(罗)米凯[ 过去式 miched 过去分词 miched 现在分词 miching ]英英释义 MicheMic...
详细解释cop outn.逃避,认罪;英英释义 cop out n.a failure to face some difficulty squarely同义词:copoutv.choose not to do somet...
详细解释scarpervi.跑开,跑走; 变形 过去式:scarpered过去分词:scarpered现在分词:scarpering第三人称单数:scarpers 英英释义 scar...
详细解释stand off释义疏远,保持一定距离;英英释义 stand off n.the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner ...
详细解释desertionn.离弃;抛弃;擅离职守;开小差 变形 复数:desertions 英英释义 desertion[ di'z:n ]n.withdrawing support or help ...
详细解释eschewvt.避开,回避; 变形 过去式:eschewed过去分词:eschewed现在分词:eschewing第三人称单数:eschews 英英释义 eschew[ i...
详细解释get away释义离开,脱身;逃掉;抽身;拔身英英释义 get away n.the attribute of being capable of rapid acceleration同义词:...
详细解释turn away释义转过脸去;拒绝(某人)进入;辞退;背英英释义 turn away v.move so as not face somebody or somethingturn from...
详细解释deludevt.欺骗,哄骗; 变形 过去式:deluded过去分词:deluded现在分词:deluding第三人称单数:deludes 英英释义 f...
详细解释ward offv.避开,挡住;架;抵挡;搪英英释义 ward off v.prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening同义词:debarobvi...
详细解释get around释义传播;绕开;随意走走;说服英英释义 get around released or become known; of news同义词:breakget outav...