共 16 个单词
fiction同义的单词有【make believe】【fairy story】【irreality】【furphy】【made up】【untruth】【falsity】【mendacity】【storybook】【leasing】【fairy tale】【deceit】【lie】【invention】【novel】【story】等。
make believe释义假装;装假;英英释义 make believe n.imaginative intellectual play同义词:pretensepretencemake-believethe...
详细解释fairy storyn.神话故事,谎言; 变形 复数:fairy stories 英英释义 fairy story n.a story about fairies; told to amuse child...
详细解释irrealityn.缺乏真实性,虚构;英英释义 irreality[ ,iri'lti ]n.the state of being insubstantial or imaginary; not existing...
详细解释furphyn.假报道;谣传;荒唐的故事;无稽之谈英英释义 FurphyA furphy, also commonly spelled furfie, is Australian slang for...
详细解释made up英英释义 made up adj.formed or conceived by the imagination同义词:fabricatedfanciedfictionalfictitiousinventedma...
详细解释untruthn.谎言;不真实,虚假; 变形 复数:untruths 英英释义 untruth[ ,n'tru: ]n.a false statement同义词:falsehoodfalsity
详细解释falsityn.虚伪;虚假;不老实;不忠实 变形 复数:falsities 英英释义 falsity[ 'f:lsiti ]n.the state of being false or untru...
详细解释mendacityn.虚伪;谎言; 变形 复数:mendacities 英英释义 mendacity[ men'dsti ]n.the tendency to be untruthful
详细解释storybookn.故事书,小说; 变形 复数:storybooks 英英释义 storybook[ 'st:ribuk ]n.a book containing a collection of stori...
详细解释leasingn.说谎,谎言;英英释义 lease[ 'li:si ] that is leased or rented out or let同义词:rentallettinga contra...
详细解释fairy talen.童话;编造的故事,谎言; 变形 复数:fairy tales 英英释义 fairy tale n.a story about fairies; told to amuse c...
详细解释deceitn.欺骗,欺诈;诡计;谎言; 变形 复数:deceits 双语释义n.(名词)[U][C]欺骗,欺诈(行为);诡计 dishonest behaviour tha...