共 26 个单词
sheenyadj.光亮的,有光泽的;n.犹太人; 变形 复数:sheenies 英英释义 sheeny[ 'i:ni ]n.offensive terms for a Jew同义词:ki...
详细解释beamyadj.(船)船身宽的;英英释义 beamy[ 'bi:mi ]adj.broad in the beam"a beamy cargo ship"radiating or as if radiating l...
详细解释lampadn.灯,烛台;英英释义 LampadThe Lampads or "Lampades"() are the nymphs of the Underworld in Greek mythology.以上来源...
详细解释licht释义light的异体;英英释义 LichtLicht is a cycle of seven operas composed by Karlheinz Stockhausen between 1977 and ...
详细解释luntn.火矩,冒烟;英英释义 lunt[ lnt ]n.United States actor who performed with his wife Lynn Fontanne in many stage prod...
详细解释undemandingadj.容易的,要求不高的,不严格的;英英释义 undemanding[ 'ndi'ma:ndi ]adj.not demanding; requiring little if a...
详细解释cushyadj.容易的,轻松的;英英释义 cushy[ 'kui ]adj.not burdensome or demanding; borne or done easily and without hardshi...
详细解释luculentadj.发亮的;容易了解的;英英释义 luculent[ 'lu:kjulnt ]adj.(of language) transparently clear; easily understanda...
详细解释lucentadj.光亮的,透明的;英英释义 lucent[ 'lju:snt ]adj.softly bright or radiant"the lucent moon"同义词:aglow(p)lamben...
详细解释shiningadj.光亮的;华丽的;v.发光( shine的现在分词);英英释义 shining[ 'aini ]n.the work of making something smooth and ...
详细解释effortlessadj.不费力的;容易的;英英释义 effortless[ 'eftlis ]adj.requiring or apparently requiring no effort"the swallo...
详细解释lampn.灯;发热灯,照射灯; 变形 复数:lamps 双语释义n.(名词)[C]灯 an apparatus, especially a movable one, for giving lig...
详细解释etherealadj.天上的;轻飘的;[化]乙醚的;英英释义 etherealadj.characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpa...