共 41 个单词
shockinglyadv.骇人地,很坏地;英英释义 shockingly[ 'kili ] a shocking manner or to a shocking degree"teachers were...
详细解释signallyadv.显著地,显眼地;英英释义 signally[ 'sinli ] a signal"a term that is used signally rather than symbolic...
详细解释tellinglyadv. 有效地;显著地 英英释义 tellingly[ 'telili ] a telling manner"the plain manner of its style all the ...
详细解释markedlyadv.显著地;引人注目地;英英释义 markedly[ 'ma:kidli ] a clearly noticeable manner"sales of luxury cars dr...
详细解释plaguyadj.讨厌的;adv.达到可厌程度;英英释义 plaguy[ 'pleii, 'ple- ]adj.causing irritation or annoyance同义词:annoyingb...
详细解释memorablyadv.值得纪念地;值得记忆地;值得纪念的;重大的英英释义 memorably[ 'memrbli ] a memorable manner"Horowitz ...
详细解释confoundedlyadv.非常地,十分地,恼人地;英英释义 confoundedly[ kn'faundidli ] a perplexed manner同义词:perplexedl...
详细解释conspicuouslyadv.显著地,超群地;英英释义 conspicuously[ kns'pikjusli ] a manner tending to attract attention"ther...
详细解释corkingadj.很好的;adv.非常地;v.用瓶塞塞住( cork的现在分词 );英英释义 corking[ 'k:ki ]adj.very good同义词:bang-upbull...
详细解释inordinatelyadv.无度地,非常地;英英释义 inordinately[ in':dinitli ]adv.extremely"she was inordinately smart"同义词:ext...
详细解释tremendouslyadv.极大地;极端地;极其;非常英英释义 tremendously[ tri'mendsli ]adv.extremely同义词:enormouslyhugelystagg...
详细解释frightfullyadv.可怕地;英英释义 frightfully[ fraitfli ]adv.used as intensifiers同义词:terriblyawfullyawful
详细解释noticeablyadv.显著地,明显地;英英释义 noticeably[ 'nutisbli ] a noticeable manner"he changed noticeably over the ...
详细解释fearfullyadv.可怕地;害怕地;非常;极为英英释义 fearfully[ 'fifuli ] fear,"she hurried down the stairs fearfully"i...
详细解释deucedadj.& adv.非常;英英释义 deuced[ 'dju:sid, dju:st ]adj.expletives used informally as intensifiers"a deuced idiot"同...
详细解释ballyadj.讨厌的;adv.非常,极,可厌地;英英释义 bally[ 'bli ]adj.(used of persons) informal intensifiers"what a bally (o...
详细解释wallopingadj.大的,极大的;n.殴打,击败;adv.十足地;英英释义 walloping[ 'wlpi ]n.a sound defeat同义词:thrashingdebacle...
详细解释parlousadj.危险的,不确定的,难对付的;英英释义 parlous[ 'p:ls ]adj.fraught with danger"a parlous journey on stormy seas...
详细解释enormouslyadv.巨大地,庞大地;大大;英英释义 enormously[ i'n:msli ]adv.extremely"he was enormously popular"同义词:treme...
详细解释horriblyadv.可怕地;非常,极其;英英释义 horribly[ 'hrbli ]adv.of a dreadful kind同义词:dreadfullyawfully
详细解释spectacularly释义壮观地,令人吃惊地;英英释义 spectacularly[ spek'tkjulli ] a spectacular manner"the area was spec...
详细解释singularlyadv.非常地;格外地;奇怪地;异常地英英释义 singularly[ 'sigjulli ] a singular manner or to a singular de...
详细解释spankingadv.非常新;adj.快速的,飞快的;n.打屁股;v.用手掌打( spank的现在分词 ); 变形 复数:spankings 英英释义 spanking...
详细解释whoppingadj.巨大的,庞大的;adv.非常地,异常地;v.打( whop的现在分词 );抽出;打败;征服英英释义 whopping[ 'hwpi ]adj.(u...
详细解释terrificallyadv.非常,极其;英英释义 terrifically[ t'rifikli ]adv.(used as an intensifier) extremely well同义词:wonderf...
详细解释notablyadv.“notable“的派生;显著地;尤其;英英释义 notably[ 'nutbli ] a notable extent"notably in the social sci...
详细解释eminentlyadv.突出地;显著地;不寻常地;英英释义 eminently[ 'eminntli ] an eminent manner"two subjects on which he ...
详细解释uncommonadj.不寻常的;罕见的;非凡的,杰出的;非常接近的英英释义 uncommon[ ,n'kmn ]adj.not common or ordinarily encounte...
详细解释considerablyadv.相当,非常,颇;英英释义 considerably[ kn'sidrbli ] a great extent or degree"painting the room whi...
详细解释finelyadv.美好地;精细地,细微地;英英释义 finely[ 'fainli ] tiny pieces"the surfaces were finely granular"in an e...
详细解释dramaticallyadv.戏剧性地,引人注目地;英英释义 a very impressive manner"your performance will improve...
详细解释strikinglyadv.醒目地,引人侧目地;斐然可观;英英释义 strikingly[ 'straikili ] a striking manner"this was strikingl...
详细解释prominentlyadv.显著地,重要地;英英释义 prominently[ 'prminntli ] a prominent way"the new car was prominently disp...