共 19 个单词
set-out同义的单词有【sally forth】【take the road】【take to the road】【open fire】【set off for】【go forth】【head for】【sally】【start out】【start up】【lead out】【head】【start off】【speak】【proceed】【set off】【institute】【leave】【start】等。
sally forthv.出发,动身;英英释义 sally forth v.set out in a sudden, energetic or violent manner同义词:sally out
详细解释take the roadv.出发;英英释义 take the road v.give theatrical performances while traveling from town to town
详细解释go forth释义行军, 旅行;发布;英英释义 go forth v.go away from a place同义词:leavego awaycome out of同义词:issueemerg...
详细解释start out释义启程,出发;开始[着手]做;英英释义 start out v.take the first step or steps in carrying out an action同义词...
详细解释start up释义(使)开始运转;开始,着手;英英释义 start up n.the act of setting in operation同义词:startupthe act of sta...
详细解释start off释义开始旅行;以…开始;迅速跑开;出发英英释义 start off n.a start given to contestants同义词:kickoffsend-offs...
详细解释set off释义出发;(使)开始;引起;点燃英英释义 set off [ ,set 'f ]n.structure where a wall or building narrows abruptly...