共 69 个单词
airtightadj.不透气的;密封的;(防守等)严密的;无懈可击的英英释义 airtight[ 'tait ]adj.having no weak points"an airtigh...
详细解释spinyadj.长满刺的,多刺的,带刺的;n.多刺的东西;英英释义 spiny[ 'spaini ]adj.having spines同义词:spinoushaving or cove...
详细解释stingyadj.小气的,吝啬的;英英释义 stingy[ 'stindi ]adj.unwilling to spend"she practices economy without being stingy"同...
详细解释entirelyadv.完全地;完整地;全部地;彻底地英英释义 entirely[ in'taili ]adv.to a complete degree or to the full or entire...
详细解释vexatiousadj.伤脑筋的;英英释义 vexatious[ vek'seis ]adj.causing irritation or annoyance"a vexatious child"同义词:annoy...
详细解释stringentadj.严格的;迫切的;(货币)紧缩的;英英释义 stringentadj.demanding strict attention to rules and procedures"st...
详细解释charyadj.小心的;谨慎的;节省的;舍不得的英英释义 chary[ 'tri ]adj.characterized by great cautious and wariness"chary of...
详细解释fullyadv.充分地;完全地;足足;彻底地英英释义 fully[ 'fuli ]adv.to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely...
详细解释scantyadj.(大小或数量)不足的,勉强够的;英英释义 scanty[ 'sknti ]n.short underpants for women or children (usually use...
详细解释worrisomeadj.令人不安的;英英释义 worrisome[ 'wrism, 'w:- ]adj.not reassuring; tending to cause anxiety同义词:unreassur...
详细解释draconianadj.严厉的;苛刻的;严酷的;龙一样的英英释义 draconian[ dr'kunjn ]adj.of or relating to Draco or his harsh code...
详细解释severeadj.严峻的;严厉的;剧烈的;苛刻的 双语释义adj.(形容词)严重的,剧烈的 causing serious harm pain, worry or discomfor...
详细解释onerousadj.繁重的;麻烦的;负有义务的;英英释义 onerous[ 'nrs, 'u- ]adj.not easily borne; wearing"my duties weren't oner...
详细解释thoroughlyadv.彻底地;认真仔细地;完全地;非常英英释义 thoroughly[ 'rli, ':ru- ]adv.in a complete and thorough manner (`...
详细解释bothersomeadj.引起麻烦的,困扰人的,令人讨厌的;淘神;伤脑筋;英英释义 bothersome[ 'bsm ]adj.causing irritation or annoy...