共 35 个单词
trick同义的单词有【carney】【carny】【chicane】【gambado】【gambade】【booby trap】【gimmickry】【horseplay】【ropery】【capriccio】【hocus-pocus】【sleight of hand】【practical joke】【prank】【fool with】【finagle】【humbug】【spoof】【jive】【acrobatic】【escapade】【coax】【shenanigan】【paint】【wile】【hang】【sell】【fox】【kid】【quiz】【scheme】【artifice】【deceptive】【mischief】【fraud】等。
carnyn.巡回演艺团;英英释义 Carny*Carny,is a psychedelic blues band from Austin,Texas formed in 2005 featuring Paul Lear...
详细解释gambadon.马的跳跃,恶作剧,乱跳; 变形 复数:gambadoes 英英释义 GambadoIn the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing ga...
详细解释booby trapn.诡雷,陷阱;v.在…安陷阱;英英释义 booby trap explosive mine hidden underground; explodes when stepped ...
详细解释capriccion.把戏;恶作剧;任性;狂想曲 变形 复数:capriccicapriccios 英英释义 capriccio[ k'pritiu ] instrumental comp...
详细解释hocus-pocusn.哄骗;英英释义 hocus-pocus[ 'huks'puks ]n.verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in som...
详细解释sleight of hand释义(隐蔽的)敏捷手法;(捏造假象或骗人的)手腕;戏法;熟练手法 变形 复数:sleights of hand 英英释义 sle...
详细解释practical joke释义恶作剧; 变形 复数:practical jokes 英英释义 practical joke n.a prank or trick played on a person (esp...
详细解释prankn.恶作剧;开玩笑;vt.装饰;打扮;vi.炫耀自己; 变形 复数:pranks 英英释义 prank[ prk ]n.acting like a clown or buff...
详细解释humbugn.欺骗;虚伪;骗子;薄荷硬糖vi.行骗;vt.欺骗; 变形 复数:humbugs 英英释义 humbug[ 'hmb ]n.pretentious or silly ta...
详细解释spoofn.& vt.(进行)滑稽的模仿;哄骗;戏弄;讽刺 变形 复数:spoofs 英英释义 spoof[ spu:f ]n.a composition that imitates ...
详细解释acrobaticadj.杂技的,杂技般的,杂技演员的;英英释义 acrobatic[ ,kru'btik ]adj.vigorously active"an acrobatic dance"同义词...
详细解释escapaden.恶作剧,越轨行为,冒险行为; 变形 复数:escapades 英英释义 escapade[ ,esk'peid, 'esk- ]n.a wild and exciting u...
详细解释shenanigann.恶作剧,诡计;英英释义 shenanigan[ i'nnin ]n.reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoya...
详细解释artificen.灵巧;诡计;巧妙办法;虚伪行为 变形 复数:artifices 英英释义 artifice[ ':tifis ]n.a deceptive maneuver (especi...
详细解释deceptiveadj.欺诈的,骗人的;靠不住的;迷惑的;虚伪的 双语释义adj.(形容词)欺骗性的;误导的 likely to make sb believe sth...